Spots on leaves


420 Member
Hi guys.

So, another plant, another problem...

This time decided to grow in a bigger pot and with the same conditions, 400W light, a/c, temp at around 70, 20% humidity.

It was going great, the plant grew quite big, but recently found out the leaves started to get these yellowish or sort of colorless spots. Similar to the ones you can find on cigars. Sort of burned out spots.

I looked online but didn't really find a matching example. Can anybody share thoughts on the problem and how to fix it?

Maybe I don't water the plant enough? I didn't water it for the last couple days since the moisture meter was showing it's moist enough but I don't know, maybe it's not always correct.



Okay, I think I found out what the problem is and it looks like it's leaf septoria. Although I'm not sure if it's fungus related since the conditions aren't the best for it.
It is brought about by warm weather and rain and effect marijuana grown outdoors.
As I mentioned, room temp is about 70 and humidity is low.
Alright, after reading up a bit more, I decided to remove the spotted leaves.
My other question now is if the plants affected by leaf septoria are safe to smoke?
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