Stem discolouration - Black mystery zone!


New Member
I've been having some grow issues that I'm still trying to fix regarding nute burn in organic soil and some pH of soil/water pH/ run off pH, term.. And I've noticed this strange discolouration that's been building up over the last week. Today it's pretty notable. It's only on the stem area above the cotyledons where first set of single leaves start, not below, which also raises questions in my mind. Why only that region and not the whole stem turn this color? Perplexing I must say.

It's really strange. I've never seen or heard of anything like this in the growing community.

I have a suspicion that it might be trace elements from nicotine in the air whenever I smoke in my room. Me and my wife smoke a lot, even though we have good ventilation with good exhaust pulling all rooms air out and in from window, but some smoke tends to wander a bit until it leaves the room via attached bathroom exhaust. I know some of our smoke passes through the grow box because the exhaust flow in the grow box is strong for an airflow of 115 cfm in. 4.3' by volume. We do our best to avoid smoking in the room and sit lounge near the bathroom door instead where the rooms exhaust is fitted. I do not have any air/carbon filters installed.. You can't get these here. Maybe I can make a DIY cars engine air filter?? I have no clue.

If not nicotine discoloration or poisoning of sorts, what could this be??? Is it affecting my plants health and growth on top other issues I'm running into right now?

I'm stumped. In top of that the same plants cotyledons are curling down like mafaka, a sharp U-turn and tips yellowing. Plant growth has stunted as compared to another one growing alongside it, which is flourishing. Both plants are kept in the same conditions where this one has begun to show it's first signs of "weirdness" over the last 4 days.

Any takers?

Thanks a heap Ricky!

Im desperately looking for a pH meter in town so I can evaluate and make sure if there is any pH imbalance involved that isnt letting the plant take up nutrients in the soil already, OR if its just a plain Phosphorous deficiency where the pH is ok. I am editing a more detailed Q that I would like to ask and get some info on, will be back with that soon. Until then I have given the plant (with its next feed that was due since 5 days ago, but i sprayed the top soil lightly everytime it went dry) a 1/4 tsp of NPK 20-20-20 which is all I can find in my area. Mixed it with 2 quarts tap water and use a scoop or 2 of the mix until I got 20-30% run off. I know it got a tinyyy bit of nutrient and maybe not enough, but i wanted to see HOW much was enough or too little at this stage instead of jumping the gun and killing it off by accident. I did get itchy fingers and fed the Crown royale as well that had no issues, but i thought its such a mild dose why not. Another mistake in the works? Let's find out! =D *I hope not =\
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