Sup from Long Island

BuD ToKeR420 said:
My names Aaron i live in long island. I love marijuana. I smoke every single day.Morning,afternoon,night. Ive been smoking since i was 10 years old. If u wana chat hit me up

Cool. I'm from Long Island. Where on LI are you?

I used to smoke morning, noon and night too....

Then I moved to Tennessee about a year ago, and everyone in this state is too ignorant to sell weed, so I haven't had a decent joint since. Maybe it's time to go back to Long Island....

then again, it costs 600 thousand dollars to buy a house there.
so maybe it's not..

let's see availabiltity of weed, and smart people or cheap houses and ignorant rednecks.....

availabiltity of weed, and smart people or cheap houses and ignorant rednecks.....

availabiltity of weed, and smart people or cheap houses and ignorant rednecks.....

guess it's a toss up... so I'll stay put for now.
i live in tn too and i can confirm that it sucks ass
welcome to 420times!!
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