The Outlook of Arizona MM


New Member
I don't know if this is the right section to post this under.
I don't even know if the admins will allow the contents of this thread. (feel free to delete it if not)
I do however think that the ideas show in this transcript are important for people to see so that they may better understand (what i see as) the perversion of Arizona's medical marijuana program by "Big Money".

This conversation was the result of the posting of my resume on



Send me a copy of your full resume, and I will see what I can do. I've come to know many potential dispensary owners through the site, in addition to the team I am working with.


Owner & Administrator
Arizona's Medical Marijuana Community

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your consideration. My advancement in this industry is of uncompromising priority and any propelling factor of such advancement is truly a treasured asset. There are very few events I would feel are as rewarding.

The redacted section of my resume consists of my unrelated work experience. Although this section gives a viewable spectrum of the employment I have taken as a means of economic survival, I do not feel that it fully encompasses my will to create a rewarding future for my self as much as it shows the opportunities I have taken advantage of as a means of paying rent and utilities in a repressed economy.

I am attaching a document that I consider to be the "Cultivation Standard" for the operation I wish to create. Any cultivation system proposed by a dispensary proprietor that does not meet such standards is irrelevant to me. Please be mindful of this when consideration of my employment is accepted as a viable option.



When your resume is requested, you should provide it, with references included....especially after posting up saying if I'd like to see your full resume to email you.

If you have the experience of a master grower, your resume will reflect as such and your references will vouch for you.

There is nothing I can do with the document you provided. Any dispensary owner worth their salt will have already picked up a copy of Jorge Cervantes' Growing Bible and various other growing books, and they don't need you to school them on the importance of ultra purified water, etc., and including a Mission Statement for the company is just silly.

No dispensary owner that's investing hundreds of thousands of dollars to set up shop in Az is going to allow an employee or contractor to determine the Mission Statement of their I cannot use the document you sent me to help you because it comes across sounding presumptuous.

As an employer, what I want to know is are you reliable? Do you show up every day, on time, and do your job or do you slack off? Do you have a problem taking direction from your manager or have problems keeping a job? Your resume will provide this info....



I understand your point. Please allow me to clarify mine.

I have no idea who you are. I have no idea who you will give my information to.
I am not 'in need' of employment. I am exploring options for creating an opportunity for my self.

Until it can be shown that there is an employer with interest, willing to meet with me and explain why they are better than the hundreds of Joes who saying they are starting a dispensary, i have no reason to give out any more of my personal information.

The document i sent is meant to show that i am unwilling to do work with an under-par system.
I have never claimed to be a "master grower". I have the amount of professional experience that is listed in my resume.
If a dispensary proprietor thinks that Jorge Cervantes' "grow bible" and videos give them any idea of how to run an amazing cultivation system, they are not the right people for me to do business with.

This is not a one way street.
If you of your associates are unable to meet these standards, i apologize for wasting your time and wish you the best of luck.


I explained exactly who I was...******, Owner and Administrator of and I know several prospective dispensary owners in AZ via my community website, in addition to the team of investors I am working with to start our own dispensary.

We already have our growers lined up, CA's finest, but I know of (and my associates know of) others who do not, but we care about our business contacts and have earned a reputation of trust and respect with them and will not send just anyone their way.

Businessmen and investors operate under standards. The standard is you provide a resume, and we'll decide if it gets your foot in the door for an interview. Your resume will explain to us why you are better than the hundreds of Joes that come our way pasting text from a Grow Bible (Jorge Cervantes, etc.) into their resumes and thinking that qualifies them as a grower. Without a resume, you are just another Joe claiming to be ready for the challenge or their dream job.

Fortunately there a tons of growers from CA and CO migrating to AZ to be a part of the gold it is a one way street. You just don't like that you're on THAT side of the street, but it is silly to think that your abilities as a grower (1 in a thousand) will convince any business owner to bow to your demands for the privilege to interview you, hire you, and pay you. There are just too many good growers out there competing for only 125 Grow Manager positions to put up with any nonsense. And yes, it is nonsense and presumptuous for you to assume that you're telling us something new since as prospective dispensary owners, many of us started business relationships with CA and CO growers months ago after taking trips to other states to meet with them on their own turf, and even had the privilege to visit their secret grow sites (albeit blind folded while en route), so we are well informed about growing system else did you figure we would forecast a start up budget?...wait 2 months before applications are due and hope you show up to enlighten us and start making demands?

No, thank you. That's not how professionals run a business...and anyone who does, no doubt, WILL be a "Joe" telling you they are starting a dispensary.

Best of luck to you and hope you enjoy your vacation in AZ! *****

I apologize. I could have sworn that I posted my resume on your website. I could have also sworn I mentioned that the only part left out was my UNRELATED work experience.

I am an Arizona resident and am already doing contract work for a hopeful dispensary proprietor who is well funded and very able. I want to see who else has offers to put up on the table as to not have all my eggs in the three baskets they are in now.
If anyone is interested in what i know, what i'm able to do or what my work ethic is like, they only have to ask.

It would seem that you guys don't need to waste your time with a little guy like me with a big ego whose on the wrong side of the road.

Sorry that I'm not in a position of needing to jump through hoops for a job in this industry. I'm already set up with a few different people as is.

Some of the more intelligent cultivators understand that its better to make companies compete for you than to compete for them, otherwise you might end up on the side of the street that does not have as nice of houses as the other.
I would like to find the best employer I can. That is my objective.
I don't really care about the "Gold Rush" aspect of it. I was a caregiver for someone with nerve damage. Someone in real chronic pain who needed help. I provided medication to cancer patients also. I'm in this to help the truly sick people that no one seems to be talking about. I would like to do that without a boss who is talking about "The Gold Rush".

Your story of blindfolded car rides sounds very exciting though!

Best of luck with your prospecting!

I just want to add that yes, i do understand that i have an attitude.
I don't wish to have an unknown number of seemingly random people calling my previous employers and associates without first giving my permission. I don't really think that is too far out of line.

If i have to hear this MEDICAL marijuana program that is intended for helping SICK PEOPLE in my state referred to as "The Gold Rush" one more time, i'm going to start pulling my hair out.
And please be advised that proposed SB 1358 would require that you be an actual resident of Arizona to qualify for a dispensary license in Arizona.
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