The single thing I did that stopped most of my bug and humidity issues


Well-Known Member
I thought I'd share this, because if you read some of my older posts, you'll see I had mite issues and fungus gnats etc. It took me about a year to figure out the main cause.

My floor!

The floor was still the normal base floor of a unfinished room. It looked like building rubble. To fix this, I bought a garage epoxy floor sealing kit. I sealed the floor and haven't seen Mites since. It also brought my average humidity down from 70 to 40. I had to use an aircon for humidity and temperatures. Cost me a fortune.

But with my sealed floor, life has been good for 6 months now.

Bottom line: Don't underestimate the impact of a non-sealed floor. It was literally my biggest problem and took me forever to take it seriously as a possible cause.
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