The things you can do in an altered state of conciousness

Mad Cow Steakho

New Member
Well, just when I thought we had come to our senses and realized the wasteland of stupidity that is the War on Drugs, the ONDCP comes up with yet ANOTHER offshoot program to go along with all of the other federally-funded anti-drug commercial campaigns. Which of course do absolutely nothing to curb overall teen drug use.....they just end up wasting more money than a compulsive gambler on a weekend in Vegas, and then it's back to the drawing board.

Ramblings aside, "Above the Influence" is a program that states:

Our goal is to help you stay above the influence. The more aware you are of the influences around you, the better prepared you will be to stand up to the pressures that keep you down.

Fact is, I can choose whether or not to be under the influence of marijuana. The only pressures that keep me down that I want to rise above are in Washington, not in a dime bag. But I'm not about to turn this into a sermon.

I love music, and I've tried my hand at Fruity Loops, but with no success....probably because I've been sober every time and it just didn't make much sense.

But last week I smoked three bowls of good herb, and sat down with a friend to give Fruity Loops another shot. Up until this point I had never made a beat.

Amazing what you can do when you're "under the influence".

Everyone is capable of achieving great things, and it doesn't have to be done sober. Post anything you've accomplished "under the influence" that you're proud of.
Thanks man.

It's a shame that people get pigeonholed simply because they refuse to be lead around on a leash without questioning where they're going. Because the most beautiful thing about being human is the ability to think for yourself.
Mad Cow Steakho said:
Well, just when I thought we had come to our senses and realized the wasteland of stupidity that is the War on Drugs, the ONDCP comes up with yet ANOTHER offshoot program to go along with all of the other federally-funded anti-drug commercial campaigns. Which of course do absolutely nothing to curb overall teen drug use.....they just end up wasting more money than a compulsive gambler on a weekend in Vegas, and then it's back to the drawing board.

Ramblings aside, "Above the Influence" is a program that states:

Our goal is to help you stay above the influence. The more aware you are of the influences around you, the better prepared you will be to stand up to the pressures that keep you down.

Fact is, I can choose whether or not to be under the influence of marijuana. The only pressures that keep me down that I want to rise above are in Washington, not in a dime bag. But I'm not about to turn this into a sermon.

I love music, and I've tried my hand at Fruity Loops, but with no success....probably because I've been sober every time and it just didn't make much sense.

But last week I smoked three bowls of good herb, and sat down with a friend to give Fruity Loops another shot. Up until this point I had never made a beat.

Amazing what you can do when you're "under the influence".

Everyone is capable of achieving great things, and it doesn't have to be done sober. Post anything you've accomplished "under the influence" that you're proud of.

right on man. I can only draw good when I'm stoned. And I know many people who can hit out the tunes on a gitaure better when they're high. Above the influence? What influence? Everyone knows that people smoke pot, at parties, in bathrooms, and so on. So no one is surprised and scared when they see someone spark up. And yeah, the government is a worse influence then anything I can think of. They tell us violence isn't the answer, but the government starts a war when they have a problem.
old_smokey9483 said:
right on man. I can only draw good when I'm stoned. And I know many people who can hit out the tunes on a gitaure better when they're high. Above the influence? What influence? Everyone knows that people smoke pot, at parties, in bathrooms, and so on. So no one is surprised and scared when they see someone spark up. And yeah, the government is a worse influence then anything I can think of. They tell us violence isn't the answer, but the government starts a war when they have a problem.

I think the most appropriate quote is
"Do not as we do, but as we say"
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