Ticket for Possession of Marijuana


New Member
I got a ticket for possession and I have my Medical Marijuana Card and all my meds where taken away + a ticket.. court day after 420:ganjamon:... does anyone know what I'm in for ??? any advice will help if anyone knows anything.
Not sure of all your details.

Were you in public, or did they come to your house?
Were you a resident of California, and were you a resident of the county?

Usually no one is going to bother you at your home, unless your blowing smoke over the fence, or have your windows open.

My guess is you will show up to court on your assigned date, and ask for a public defender. I'd plead not guilty.

Its all just a horse and pony show in the California court system. Go through the motions. Be sure you ask your public defender to disclose in writting his and its law firm position regarding medical marijuana. If they refuse, tell the judge. It is very hard for a public defender to help you, when they actually don't care about you, or your illness/health. It opens up your ability to appeal the courts decision, and should keep you out of jail until they can find someone acceptable to handle your case without prejudist. :peace:

Prejudist: A forejudgment; bias; partiality; preconceived opinion. A leaning toward one side of a cause for some reason other than a conviction of its justice.
i was in my homies car..coming from the club going to a starbucks then we got rolled and it was in the glove compartment
i was in my homies car..coming from the club going to a starbucks then we got rolled and it was in the glove compartment

If you didn't have the stamp attached to the baggie, normal protocol for cops would be to dump it out on the street in California, and tell you to go home:peace: (in my experience)

Don't worry though, its not like that was the last bag of smoke in the world. I bet you already replace the meds within an hour of getting the ticket:peace:

Just be sure to show up to all the court dates, and without causing contempt of court, show your prosecutor that you are just like the last 80,000 people given a ticket for possession, and there are 800,000 more just like you waiting in the wing. Then plea not guilty and ask for a public defender. Make sure you make all the court dates, and you should be able to drag it out far enough to watch the prosecuter try multiple time to get you to plea. The longer you hold out, the more people like you will be jamming up their system. Your defence is illegal search...and you would like the opportunity to prove it:popcorn: Don't agree to treatment or drug testing, unless you really need it, and be sure not to sign any financial agreement that you will pay for it. Let the state deal with paying the bill.

Many states are starting to realize there is no way they can afford a public defender for everybody busted for a bag of weed, so the laws are starting to change. Today, decriminalzation is a tool a few states are using, so they can still hand out tickets, yet, because it is now a civil penalty, not have to supply a public defender, since it is not a misdemeanor or felony. Usually this is a civil ticket carrying no jail time, and cost about the same price as a bag of weed. I'd fight that ticket too, since the more we fight, the closer we are to winning the war.

Remember, there is nothing you can do at this point thats going to help you, other than this case being dropped or you be found inocent.
Were your meds legal in the eyes of the state and county?

If so, did you get them back?
i went to the police station after i got out of the court and i went to the front desk n ask them about the evidence return building and they gave me a number Narco 818 etc.. no one pickd up.. and the officer in the front told me to call them and tell them my situation n i probaly get it back but its been 3 days n still no answer from those piggys
i went to the police station after i got out of the court and i went to the front desk n ask them about the evidence return building and they gave me a number Narco 818 etc.. no one pickd up.. and the officer in the front told me to call them and tell them my situation n i probaly get it back but its been 3 days n still no answer from those piggys

I believe there is a huge bin in the evidence room, they are not sure which bag is yours, so don't be suprised if it takes a few months. I'd be afraid to use the meds that were laying around an evidence room.

So did your buddy get the charges dismiss as well???
So can you just go there and volunteer to pick it out yourself?

"Sir, I know the evidence ticket says MJ in a sack, but I'm not sure that potato sack with the 25 pounds in it is yours."

"That's all right. It'll do."
Yah i think im just going to give up on getting my meds back from the station.. and yah my buddy did get his cased dismissed two
I don't blame you man, it sounds like a hassle.

Then again, if everyone in your situation - and I get the feeling it's more than a couple of you - could stand the little bit of individual hassle, together it might be enough of a collective hassle that the local LEOs would start paying more attention to their local laws and start leaving people alone.

But still, like I say, I don't blame you. I'm not in your area/situation.
what a bunch of Stoopid LEO hassle, my God, haven't they got better things to do, I'll bet that somewhere close by, I think you did say L.A., somebody was gettin' robbed or attacked in some way but they HAD to deal with yer little sack of PLANT MATERIAL ! Oh wait, it's OUR tax money they operate on:smokin:
i went to the police station after i got out of the court and i went to the front desk n ask them about the evidence return building and they gave me a number Narco 818 etc.. no one pickd up.. and the officer in the front told me to call them and tell them my situation n i probaly get it back but its been 3 days n still no answer from those piggys

Hey my brother , Dont Give up, they took your meds and they need to return said evidence......Period. Dont stop short here, be persistant, you have a legitimate reason to have the weed and if you dont get it out of dead evidence , they will smoke it at the next Party the cops throw.
Stand your ground......you came this far.....wanna go a little more.
i Keep trying to get a hold of some one with this number..but man its Glendale Police Department and bro those cops are the most crooked cops I've seen in my life
i Keep trying to get a hold of some one with this number..but man its Glendale Police Department and bro those cops are the most crooked cops I've seen in my life

Send a certified letter to the city demanding it be returned. Maybe someone on the boards could give you a copy of a letter they used to legally demand that your med's be return. If they fail to respond to your letter, file a claim for the return, plus expensives involed with taking them to small claims court.

Is Glendale one of those cities that have employees who refuse to return medicial marijuana? What is the city policy regarding medical marijuana? I'm sure there is a policy regarding how items taken by police, are returned to there owner.
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