Too late for nutes?


New Member
Havent used anything on my girl her whole life besides a lil superthrive when she was transplanted. Got her in a 2 gallon pot with MG ( first and last time using ) shes aout 2 ft tall has offset nodes and preflowers. Im getting a PH tester soon, dont know the PH but she shows no sighns of deficiencies. Wondering if i can add anything to make her happy and get the most off her i can. Only interested in organic methods, thnx in advanced!:thumb:
Im growing outdoors but shes in a greenhouse so watering is controlled by me, shes almost three months old. mother nature has been controlling her phases besides when i started her she was inside. Once her stalk was strong enough i moved outside. Shes getting about 12/12 right now, greenhouse is not in direct sunlight. I water with untreated water straight from the hose every 3-4 days ( more if above 90* ) used distilled once after spraying " fungicide3 " on her. Mainly because i figure the mulch is breaking down now. So it might help the PH
Ok, then it is not too late. I would think about nutes to help with flowering. Everybody has their preferred brand. It all depends on how much money you want to spend, and if you want to go organic or not.
Im trying to keep the height down, would keeping the pot small keep them small or just make them pot bound?
Or if i do transplant is it to late to pinch n bend, tie down, supercrop, w/e else there is? Or will it stress her too much being transplanted and all?
In that case I would just leave it in the same container unless the roots are totally coming out of the bottom of the container.
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