Too Much Epsom!


New Member
Had to go out of town for a few days, and my assistant aka girlfriend got a bit too happy with the epsom salt. Think she measured it wrong, and didnt want to admit to it thinking I'd be mad. Well, kinda.... But anyways, I ve got some yellowing, and some leaf tips seemed to curl up on me. A few of the real small buds now look a little "fried".. Its an outdoor, plant, and I really havent used much at all in the way of nutes. Just good ol mother nature.. What do I do, because I think with the magnesium overdose, i'm nutrient locked.. help peeps!
I'd be more than a little put out. Not because she goofed - that's human - but because she chose to not admit it. Of course, I'd have to assure myself that this was the case and that the problem isn't because of something else. But anyway...

Assuming you provided the proper sort of soil, something that has good drainage characteristics, you would logically want to do some major flushing.
sounds like a good time for a clearex flush.
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