transplanting outdoors


New Member
Before you all start telling me what an idiot i am... i have already realised im a fool and should have done more research first! but....i have a problem! It is my first time growing as you have probably already noticed. i was given some seed from a mate and he told me "wack em in your vegie garden, they will grow really well there" he said. well he was Right. I put 10 seeds in on the 12of october and all 10 came up. he told me to keep taking the tips off the plants and that should control the height of them i was thinking they would only reach about 4 feet high...well he was wrong!!!! i now have 4 because they overtook my garden and they were the only thing to be seen in the garden. the 2 smaller ones are near 6 feet high and the other 2 are past 6 feet nearly 7! they are bloody weeds!!! lol
i was wondering if i could transplant them by digging around the plants and putting them into barrels??? i heard the tap root goes down a long way and if i was to snap the tap root would the plant die?? or how i can force flower them? i thought if i made a huge wooden box with black plastic over the top, but with some hot weather would it steam up in there and kill them?

any assistance would be muchly appreciated

im guessing no one has tried it before, or have heard of it being done...... im going to do it to 1 of them and see how i go.
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