

New Member
Hey guys, I'm very new to growing and built a mini 2 plant bubbler system. Has anyone ever seen to plants coming up out of one seed?
I've never seen it befor either, are they attached together at the bottom? That is bad ass, hope it all works out for you.
Hey Turbo, thanks for putting my pic up on the site for me. Here's a few more of the bubbler system I built. The pics are kinda blurry and small, but maybe it might help another new grower.

I'll let you guys know how the twins are doing. I can't fuckin believe I got two plants growing out of one seed. These are just bag seeds from some really good weed. I thought I would try to grow them first to see if I can since this is my first time ever trying. I did alot of research before attempting.

Ok, posting pics. You have to right click on the picture itself go to properties, then copy paste the location in the image button(the mountain).



There ya go, I want to build a hydro system like that. What did it all end up costing if you don't mind me asking. Also, what kind of light is that and what wattage?
RESERVOIR: 10 gallon capacity
DYNA-GRO- 1 pint
$50 bucks

Growlight 200 watt fluorescent!
$30 bucks Also I have a HPS 250 watt bulb when it's time for flowering. I bought that off of EBAY for $13 bucks.

$10 bucks for a digital timer for my lighting system.

Grand total= $100 bucks give a or take a dollar or two.

Most of the stuff I got off of ebay for dirt cheap prices. Other items I purchased locally.

Ebay is a great idea, didn't realize the HPS would be that cheep off there, I think I'll do that for the next grow. Sounds good man, I am deffinately going on this hydro system for the next gro, I have the tubs already so I just need the other stuff. Thanks for the info.
My pleasure for the info. Anything to help another head out. Thanks for the info on the pics, I'll remember that next time when I want to put them up. Again, I'll keep you all posted on the twins...............STRANGE!



Ok, guys. I promised I would let you all know how it's been going with my first time grow ever. Well in the past week or so, the "TWIN" died. One morning I woke up, and it was limp and a wierd color and yes it was connected to the other plant at the bottom. So I plucked it, added new water, nutrients and checked the PH level. The pics above are almost 3 weeks into the grow cycle. Hope you all enjoy!

Yes, they are straws around the plants. They're helping support the young plants. At first my chain for the light wasn't long enough, so it caused them to stretch real thin. Well I put the straws around them to hold them up, also I have a small fan blowing on them to help strengthen them.

Dude i think u might have accidentaly put two seeds in the pot cuz u were probably stoned eh???? But if not then thats some trippy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
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