U.S. - Pasadena Police Warn Of Pot-club Dangers


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Pasadena, Calif. - Pasadena police and planners want to prohibit medical marijuana dispensaries, or "cannabis clubs,' from locating within the city, saying such establishments breed crime and degrade neighborhoods.

They cite as evidence a report from Mark Siemens, police chief of the small Northern California town of Rocklin. Siemens compiled a list of complaints from four city police departments where pot clubs exist.

His report paints a picture of illicit drug dens that attract an "underground culture' of street criminals, drug dealers and "dopers.'

A dispensary in Hayward sold hashish, the report states, and one in Roseville let people smoke pot inside the facility. Residents of Upper Lake complained "the people coming to Upper Lake for marijuana look like drug users ( 'dopers' ),' the report continues, and a shoe store in Oakland saw its business drop when a club opened next door.

Based on these accounts, police and planners will ask the Pasadena City Council tonight to implement a "temporary' ban on dispensaries, clubs and cooperatives unless and until the state or federal governments sets tough regulations for sales.

"Currently, the state has almost no controls on how ( medical marijuana ) is dispensed, who can operate dispensaries, or where they can be located,' city Planning Director Richard Bruckner said Thursday.

Janet Pope, spokeswoman for the Pasadena police, said the primary concern is that marijuana will get into the wrong hands, though she acknowledged authorities here are also wary about having to navigate conflicting state and federal laws.

California voters passed Proposition 215 in 1996, giving doctors the right to prescribe marijuana for certain chronic ailments. Five years later, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled distribution of medical marijuana was illegal.

State lawmakers responded with legislation reasserting a patient's right to use the drug by necessity, and this was followed by another Supreme Court case, still pending, that will test whether the federal government can prosecute patients with a prescription.

Councilman Paul Little said he would prefer the City Council wait until the court rules before taking up the issue of a ban.

"Pending the resolution of that issue, I don't know whether it is something we need to be spending any time on,' Little said.

The city's Planning Commission took up the ban earlier this year. It decided to support the prohibition, but left open the possibility of permitting dispensaries once regulatory issues have been settled.

"If it was going to turn out to be something similar to a pharmacy, we definitely would want to take a second look at it,' Bruckner said.

The Pasadena Public Health Department weighed in, voicing support for the ban while acknowledging marijuana is a "legitimate therapy for specific disease conditions.'

"We recognize there are legitimate users and we don't want to limit their access to care,' said Dr. Takashi Wada, the city's Public Health Officer. "On the other hand, we acknowledge that there could be very serious negative secondary consequences, which we found in speaking with other jurisdictions throughout the state.'

Wada said he surveyed area hospitals, HIV clinics and hospice organizations to see if there were patients who might be affected by a ban. "None of them currently prescribe marijuana,' he said.

There are no medical marijuana dispensaries in the San Gabriel Valley.

Daniel Abrahamson, director of legal affairs for Drug Policy Alliance, a group that supports medical marijuana, counseled the city against adopting a ban.

"To ban dispensaries sends a strong message to anyone who wants to make a quick buck in the black market,' Abrahamson said. "It is sort of a dangerous, misguided approach to those who want to protect the public health.'

Abrahamson said there are well over 40 cannabis clubs in California and roughly 100,000 medical marijuana users nationwide.

Eleven states had adopted medical marijuana laws since 1996.

Abrahamson said there is no clear trend in how California cities are treating the dispensaries issue, though cities in Northern California, particularly the Bay Area and near the Oregon border, are more accepting.

The city of Ontario, in the Inland Empire, adopted a moratorium on marijuana dispensaries last week.

Source: Pasadena Star-News, The (CA)
Copyright: 2005 Pasadena Star News
Website: Pasadena Star News
I'm telling you, these fuckups are going to ruin a good thing.
they make it sound twisted. they make you think drug addicts and "dopers" go to the clubs. when its for medical puroses only. and the state does require that you do paper work to register the club and also i think you cant have them around schools, parks, and churches. they just try to make the clubs sound bad and confuse people to vote against them thinking that its not medical but recreational.
I guess my question would be, "Why weren't the creators of the club smart enough to know that there would be heat from a somewhat conservative gentry with the existing highly visable location?"

Consider this, do you think any Prop 215 patient is going to have a problem finding a MM dispensing facility in a warehouse/industrial area? Off the beaten path, not making a statement, away from schools and retail districts, there just providing a service? That's what they did in Bakerfield and I thought to myself, "Yeah, these guys know their shit.." Last time I looked, Bakersfield was pretty conservative..

"The city's Planning Commission took up the ban earlier this year. It decided to support the prohibition, but left open the possibility of permitting dispensaries once regulatory issues have been settled." (Is this making too much sense?)

The city fathers are simply acting responsibly for their community. Remember, they are elected officials, they have to play it this way. What this means is simply, don't give the cities reason to put moratoriums on issuing permits for dispensaries. Walk quietly, do not rock boats and quietly get involved in the regulatory process. Don't cha think?

That's all I'm saying. Why must the Medical MJ community grandstand so much? Let's just treat this Prop 215 freedom we've been given with the respect that it is due. Let's fucking grow up. How's that sound?I'm babbling, I'll stop. :peace:
in a number of cities i've visited, the downtown library and police department tend to be located in one of the shittiest areas of town.

as such, i request that all libraries and police departments be closed, because the areas in which they are located turn to shit.

siemens has too much semen in his fuckin' brain.
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