
To the Editor:

Whether you are right, left or upside down in your political persuasion, to believe that oil is not central to the Iraqi crisis is self delusion. Oil is the principal source of energy for the United States and most of the rest of the world. It is a finite resource and Iraq, is sitting on the second greatest reserve in the world.

The Bush administration has as much as admitted that oil is pertinent to its view of Iraq. The administration wants to finance any cost to its eager urge to plunder Iraq with the sale of its oil to offset the cost of the war.

What America should be doing, to a greater degree, is focusing on a renewable energy source that replaces or at least diminishes our dependence on oil.

One real possibility is agricultural hemp. George Washington grew it. The Declaration of Independence draft was written on hemp paper, and during WWII American farmers were encouraged to grow it. It has only been this ridiculous and untrue tying of agricultural hemp to marijuana that outlaws its growth now.

Hemp could save our forests. One acre of hemp replaces four acres of trees as a source of paper that is of superior quality. Its deep roots could protect our top soil. It is resistant to pests lowering the need of pesticides. It is a rich source of food. It can be made into fuel. And most importantly, it is renewable.

It is past time for Americans to be continually misled by the merchants of the big lie concerning agricultural hemp.

Don Peterson,
Nashville, TN 37221
E-mail: freethinker1@comcast.net

Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Provided by www.globalhemp.com
Don Peterson, The Tennessean
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