Urgent help to wire up a variac fan controller


Active Member
Hi anyone wired up a variac fan controller. Got a general idea but don't want to take the plunge in case a damage unit or fan ..conected the plug side mains wire in but not sure about fan side of connections. It's either earth/ n1/l1 or earth /n for nuetral /and u for live .


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Hi people

I've finally started a little thing of my own. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time!
And I've nearly got my setup how I need it....
But the thing I'm struggling with is noise!!
I tried using a speed controller that u plug into, which is good in terms of control over the speed, but it has a very loud hum.

Now I've tried installing a variac, which has no hum at all, but.... it seems to only have one speed instead of 5!!

Now I dont know maybe I have wired it wrong, or maybe there is very little difference between the 5 settings ( which in my opinion their isn't much point to).

I'm at the point where I can crank my digi ballast up to 600 from 400 but either way at the moment the noise is too great with the fan up

Can anyone help me out... I've run out of ideas
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