US Attorney Melinda Haag To Continue Crackdown Despite White House Directive

Looks like she is operating a profit center for the US Government.

From the Wiki article:

The Northern District U.S. Attorney's Office collected $346 million in 2011 and $349 million in 2012 in criminal fines and civil penalties for the U.S. Treasury, more than 14 times the office's operating budget in each year. The NDCA was 5th and 9th in the country respectively in terms of collections made by the U.S. Attorney's Offices in those years
See what good a 'MEMO' does? Nada, zilch, zip. All the 'memo' was for is political currying. One can bet the DoJ will back any decision, any behavior, any false information put out by the ONDCP. DoJ, DEA, NIH, HHS ANNDDDD, the State Attorney generals.... all the while the administration saying, in memos, just how 'fair' their approach or policy or B.S. intentions are reality but are not reality.

Get out and vote, do not let these false impressions from 'memos' be your guide when voting. The LAWS... must change... and that means the elected representatives having commitments to following desired polices for continued funding in the drug war going through the ONDCP. DoJ, DEA, NIH, HHS ANNDDDD, the State Attorney generals,,, must be changed. Do not let the current legislators separate you from your vote based on more lies- in memos.
Looks like she is operating a profit center for the US Government.

From the Wiki article:

The Northern District U.S. Attorney’s Office collected $346 million in 2011 and $349 million in 2012 in criminal fines and civil penalties for the U.S. Treasury, more than 14 times the office’s operating budget in each year. The NDCA was 5th and 9th in the country respectively in terms of collections made by the U.S. Attorney’s Offices in those years

Totally agree. I have a wait and see on this "memo". I personally wont walk into a dispensary in Oregon.. nope..
US Attorney Melinda Haag | Impervious To Reason

Impervious to reason, that she is.

But, O'bama and Holder need to put a muzzle on that bitch.

Steve-O's Harborside Health Centers are a MODEL establishment for the entire nation to emulate.

So, the people of Oakland and the City of Oakland are standing opposed, as well as a whole lot of people elsewhere.

Conservative, liberal, libertarian...doesn't matter.

She's on the wrong side of history (period).

When Steve-O refused to pay the demands from the IRS for amped up taxable income, she put the bite down.

Isn't it lovely living in the United States people, 43 years later still under tricky-dick Nixon's view of the 'rule-of-law' vis-a-vis Cannabis?

Why doesn't she spend her resources on catching REAL 'banditos'?

Like the idiots who rampage through northern California's State and Federal forests trashing the environment and torching 3rd-party pop-up #MedMj grows.

"He who sows n tills the ground w care & diligence in one season acquires a greater stock of religious merit, than he who sits n repeats 100,000 prayers per day!" ~ Lao Beiji Shong" (old northern bear)
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