Vale's Solution


New Member
Hi, i'm new to the forum and have a question. I have a new job interview coming up wednsday and i know i will have to drug test for it. it would then have been 6 days since i last smoked. i have been drinking nothing but water and i bought this vales solution. here is a link for the product. My interview is at 2pm so i was gonna take this stuff at about 1230 so it can kick in and i'm guessing that my drug test would be around 3 or so. Has anyone ever heardof how good this stuff works and do u think i could pass with no problems?
Usually these detox drinks have to be accompied by drinking plenty of water and pissing alot to flush the system

Plus most only have a few hour window to test.
if u drink redbull and take vitamin b complex u can smoke almost everyday n pass with flying colors I no many hoo have cmplted court ordered drug tests for as much as six months , take th vitamin b all week and drink adleast a half of a big redbull a day n drink alot of water everyday ; on the day off drink a whole redbull, and mad water rite before so u basically pee water
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