WA Medical Forms?


New Member
I injured my back nearly 5yrs ago while at work and have undergone numerous series of injections, heavy pain meds, surgery, intensive physical therapy, and a pain clinic. I sit here today with a total days worked in the last 5yrs somewhere around 250, a prefered worker card due to the level III permanent partial disability the state has rated me at, and a life that has forever been changed by the injury. I am still (again) on Time loss that is being paid for by the state and so are the medications I take, at least untill my claim closes.
Anyway, I'm going to the Dr. on Tuesday and would like to present her with a package (just a fancy name for an envelope stuffed with info on Med. MJ) to review in consideration of it's suitability for my use. It looks as though there should'nt be any question of my eligability to participate, but I have no idea of her position on the issue. I want to have everything there for her to make a decision (in MJ's favor, of course) and any forms the state would require. It look's like all I need is the reccomendation form with both of our info on it and I'm good to go.
If you can think of anything I should include (without making it too much info)let me know-
Re: WA Medical Forms??

Well, I just got back from the Dr. and asked her about Med. MJ. She had a hard time talking about it, and strickly off the record. She is a believer in MJ, but unfortunatly the Clinic has a strong stance of "not being involved" in anyway. I've got all my bases covered for my end, now I need a supporting Dr. that can get me going. If anyone has any direction for me (so I don't chase my tail around) of a local physician (N. Seattle, WA.) please send me a PM
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