Water pumps


New Member
I'm planning a couple of decent sized outdoor grows this year. 4-5 sites, 8-10 plants per site ( I guess "decent sized" is a relative term) Anyhoo, in case I need to water, I'm looking toward rigging up a water pump system for at least one of the sites so I don't have to carry water. Can anyone recommend a solar and/or battery powered pump that would push water through any type of a hose over a good distance, say like the length of 3 or 4 football fields? Doesnt have to be a high gallon per hour at the outlet end..... Just need something that would eliminate carrying buckets and leaving a trail.....
You're probably going to need one of those large sump pumps that folks use to drain a flooded home, basements, etc. Check the irrigation section at Home Depot or Lowes and you may find the right one. For power you could run a small solar panel with a battery and inverter or maybe you could hook up a solar power electric fence power supply to run the pump.:goodluck:
I'm planning a couple of decent sized outdoor grows this year. 4-5 sites, 8-10 plants per site ( I guess "decent sized" is a relative term) Anyhoo, in case I need to water, I'm looking toward rigging up a water pump system for at least one of the sites so I don't have to carry water. Can anyone recommend a solar and/or battery powered pump that would push water through any type of a hose over a good distance, say like the length of 3 or 4 football fields? Doesnt have to be a high gallon per hour at the outlet end..... Just need something that would eliminate carrying buckets and leaving a trail.....

You need an engineer or someone at a pump supplier to tell you how many horsepower (gallons per minute) required to maintain X pounds of pressure (minimum flow) in a 3/4" hose for 900-1200'. Then you can determine what you'll need to power it. Any solar gathering source will need a battery(s) to store the accumulated energy and feed power to your pump.

Have you ever seen 900-1200' of hose? It's a big stack.
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