When do I repot? and is my plants stem too long?


New Member
My plant has been outside for about 3-4 weeks Id say and Im not sure if its stretching too high and If so how to I stop it from stretching too much? Also I can see a couple white roots coming from the bottom hole, and Im not sure if this is when I should repot or should I wait until my plant gets bigger? I can see new leaves coming in
The only way to stop stretching for an indoor grow, is to move the light closer, but in an outside grow, you're at the mercy of the sun, so there's nothing you can do that I'm aware of. It doesn't really look too bad now anyways, it actually looks small for 3-4 weeks. I would guess that plant was about 1-2 weeks old from sprout judging from the number of leaves.

I like to repot before, or as soon as I see roots in the drainage holes. If you wait until the roots grow out of the holes, there is a risk of damaging the new roots when you repot the plant. The plant looks pretty well established now, I would repot into its final pot now, and make sure you use a soil that is NOT high in fertilizer content, as it will be too hot for your seedling, and adding perlite to the soil will improve drainage.

I like to use plain potting soil (which is also cheaper than the soil with nutrients), and I add somewhere around 10%-20% perlite.

Make sure you're only watering when the top of the soil is dry, too much water can slow growth.
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