Who thinks this would work?


New Member
And i'm thinking ince it's set again, get cookies from the store (already made) and let them soak in the hashbutter after melting it down again. I reckon if i turned a quarter ounce into butter, there would definitely be at least 24 average size cookies filled with the main ingredient and already baked. Does this sound impossible ??
Yea, Dlin, that sounds kinda aweful. Cookies are the primary way I use my medicine and I've done it several ways. Homemade is the best. Give er a go but soaking doesn't sounds appealing. If Ur just wanting to get stoned just eat a couple spoon fulls of the butter lol

This. Or mix your butter in some cooked ramen, that's how I like it. Quick and easy and the seasoning hides any bad taste.
Ramen sounds good, but then when the butter kicks in I'll want more ramen, and then I'll have more ramen with more butter and then it'll kick in again and I'll be in a never ending cycle. Actually thy sounds amazing

One thing I learned once upon a time. I had store bought chocolate chip cookie mix and didn't think about the chocolate chips already being in the mix. So I proceeded to pour my freshly strained butter that was still hot into the mix and stir and it melted all the chocolate chips and I ended up with some goofy partly chocolate cookies with no chips if the chips are in the mix let the butter cool first or of Ur like me usually I mix my own ingredients and then add the chips last and the rest has cooled enough by then to not hurt anything. Live and learn. Cook before Ur stoned lol
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