Will all females self polinate if light stressed?

Here To Learn

New Member
I have read quite a bit about light stressing a female plant that is at the end of it's flowering cycle. To accomplish this you slowly lower the number of light "on" hours until the plant produces small pollen sacks which fertilize the flowers. This is supposed to produce feminized seeds.

My question is will all strains do this or is it strain specific?
A true hermaphrodite plant does not need to be stressed in order to produce both male and female flowers. These are the ones that will quietly violate your girls if you don't notice them.

That's not the same thing as stressing a plant so that it produces male flowers. That would not be a hermie, but rather a last-ditch survival mechanism. I don't know what percentage of female plants have this ability, but I would think it's fairly high.

What complicates the issue is that between a true hermaphrodite and a "normal" plant that produces rare male flowers when stressed, there are an infinite number of genetic variations with different behaviors.

We can't lump all plants that produce male and female flowers into the same neat category because it's not a black and white issue.

When thinking about this kind of stuff, I visualize an isolated patch of female plants that need to survive. No males in sight.

Sooooo, some of them decide to take a walk on the wild side because they can. They grow some balls and pollinate themselves and each other, but with pollen that supposedly will only produce female seeds.

The next generation of plants are all girls. No males in sight. Since the females in this generation came from females that were able to produce male flowers in order to survive, these females, through natural selection, have an even greater capacity to produce male flowers.

After a few more generations, they don't need the stress anymore and have become "true" hermies.

In any case, all that was to say that not all female plants that produce male flowers are hermies, lol.
I had 1 clone left over from a pure indica grow that was too late to finish outside and I wouldn't bring in to my moms to avoid contamination/bugs ect.

So, just to play around, I stressed the hell out of it to see if it would flip. Mainly light poisoning and messing with the dark cycle.

The lady would not flip! No nanners.

Very happy that this is such a straight girl.:cheer:

Will try some backcrosses with it as I have a few seeds from some saved pollen from a male of the same batch. Hope at least 1 of them comes up male.

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