Woman Found Hanged in Cell at Brooklyn Police Station after Marijuana Arrest


420 Member
BROWNSVILLE - A 32-year-old woman was discovered hanging from a make-shift noose in her cell at the 73rd Police Precinct on East New York Avenue in Brooklyn Friday, Dec. 18.

The unidentified woman, who had been arrested for marijuana possession, made the noose with a pair of pants, according to the New York Times. Police reportedly discovered her body 40-45 minutes after bringing her into the station. She was arrested just before 7 p.m., according to the Associated Press.

The woman was taken to Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center where she was pronounced dead.

A source reportedly told the New York Post that it was common for officers to regularly check on detained suspects, but offered no explanation as to what could have happened in this particular case.

News Hawk- Weedpipe 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: examiner.com
Author: Nicola Menzie
Contact: examiner.com
Copyright: 2009 Clarity Digital Group
Website:Woman found hanged in cell at Brooklyn police station after marijuana arrest
Re: Woman Found Hanged by Prohibitions insideous influence

BROWNSVILLE - A 32-year-old woman was discovered hanging from a make-shift noose in her cell at the 73rd Police Precinct on East New York Avenue in Brooklyn Friday, Dec. 18.... snip.... A source reportedly told the New York Post that it was common for officers to regularly check on detained suspects, but offered no explanation as to what could have happened in this particular case.

Nor could they... because the implications for the legislation that gives Police this power over 'governance of the self' would be grave indeed. This woman chose her only defence.. a Socratic exit. All power to her. Few will understand, even fewer will honour her selfless act. When freedom (& cognitative liberty) is removed arbitarily by the state from any individual, expect consequences. This is but one of them.
Very well put MildGreens..:roorrip:
Give me liberty or give me death! She made a choice.

Curious how the Police (and this seems particularly the case in New Zealand where we smoke more pot than Jamaica) fail to understand why ANYONE would shot at a cop 'over cannabis'.

I'm not making excuses for anyone, but it is NEVER the pot... it is sometimes money as it was for alcohol prohibition, but the nuanced difference between pot and alcohol prohibition was that alcohol possession wasn't illegal, nor was its consumption, it was its trade whereas cannabis is about 'mind' control. And for some, that is an absolute draw the line in the sand issue. :yummy:

If I am not free to be rational on my terms, then 'the irrational' becomes a logical construct!

Much of this kind of crime, including the suicide cited in the case here, can be fairly laid at a 'momentary lapse of reason' caused by the LAW. How do we know that? Because if we remove the law from the formula, the outcomes are benign.

Whereas, the same cannot be said of alcohol... which by its very dis-associative nature, reason flies out the window. We understand that correlation... and that understanding, i suggest, is why alcohol is permitted/legal.

We dont yet (collectively) understand pot, rather we use its use as a scapegoat to 'other' people. The Police and Politicians use the 'If they are prepared to break this (rather benign law) what else are they prepared to do.'

We have just had another spate of Police 'busts' with cops AND media linking burglary to the evils of drugs...while not one journalist/commentator links prohibition, despite there being a legitimate debate. That has to be challenged.
The truth is getting spread one joint, bowl,bong and vape bag at a time. The more people get the liberty aspect of this fight(since it is on so many levels) the sooner we can make major changes. There will be a flood of MMJ states allowing use and some will go all the way and just Legalize, Regulate and Tax right from the start instead of going the medical route.
We will still face Draconian governmental actions on the County and Municiple level. Until the older politicians are either voted out of office or die to make room for younger, more enlightened political leaders, we will have to bow to the suppression of our personal rights, as they pertain to our choice(s) of medicine.
OK; I don't get it why would we want the Gov ,City or State.Taxing a home grow. I don't want on that list. That would give them cause to come home with you at anytime they would like. Not for me. But I don't think home grow's should be selling weed on the street this change's nothing on the street vender & Thug's and all the bullshit that goes with street dealing. Let them get a License to grow for a CO-OP or a Med store. Let's try to do it right. I grow for my Med's I can take half the OXY & Morp. per day since growing my own. I feel much better and more in control of my mind on herb then on the pill's. I'm a space cadet on the pill's
I would love to be able to lessen my need for my meds, and I rarely have to take any pain meds anymore. Unfortunately, my diabetes meds are not negotiable, as it were. At least I can sleep at night without waking up to the nausea caused by the pain pills. I know my ex's anxiety is ameliorated by the herb, making her more easy to deal with. She's the one who says that, so it must be true, right? Peace!
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