Would truck or car under-body LED light kits work?


New Member
I am curious if high intensity under-body lights arranged in a certain color mix would work as a cheap alternative for DIY grow lights or would this be asinine? Is there a component that would be missing if someone did this?
They are super bright and make crazy amounts of coverage so I could not resist asking , also they have flash patterns some are programmable so it really made me curious.
Sorry is this sounds "Loco" lol
Most under car lighting systems use 5050 SMD leds. When speaking in terms of plant lighting they have a relatively low power output or radiant flux. I have tested a few for under cabinet grow lighting and such and they look promising in that regard. Keep them within 2 inches of the plant and have a large enough volume of them and it could be possible. It simply isn't economically feasible or practically reasonable to attempt for a larger plant.
Most under car lighting systems use 5050 SMD leds. When speaking in terms of plant lighting they have a relatively low power output or radiant flux. I have tested a few for under cabinet grow lighting and such and they look promising in that regard. Keep them within 2 inches of the plant and have a large enough volume of them and it could be possible. It simply isn't economically feasible or practically reasonable to attempt for a larger plant.

Thanks for the speedy reply and mint info Hosebomber! I wonder if it would work well as filler spectrum mixed with other bulbs. I had a kit on my old car whent hey first came out and when I blew a inline fuse on the highway one night the only electrical that was hard wired to the battery was my LED kit. The amount of light coverage it produced allowed me to slow my car down safely with decent road vision. It was also bright enough to light up my engine bay enough to see the problem and side of the road fix it. That was 4 tubes I wonder what a whole ceiling of tubes say 20 tubes lined up above with some CFLs evenly spread throughout to ensure enough lumen for larger plants? Sorry I get carried away easily with posts just tryin to understand better is all and maybe arouse some ideas from awesome members such as yerself :) ty kindly! :Namaste:
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