Vaporizer That Works Well With Hash


New Member
I would like to get a vaporizer, but it must be suitable for using with hash. In my location, good herb is hard to find, but black hash from Nepal is widely available, very good quality and reasonably priced.

Does anybody have any suggestions or recommendations?
tell us where you are and we might bring you one, or two, or----------
cheap hash and no weed? Hmm. Possibly an Antarctic station. Or ship.
Quite a few vapes can deal with hash. The key is to shave the hash into thin strips so the heated air can penetrate. Hash is so compressed that a chunk will resist the heat like a piece of charcoal in a grill. Shave it and the thin layers will do much better. The other problem is what the hash'll do to your screen. If you don't use a layer of herb, or something like cotton, you'll end up with a clogged screen pretty quick.
I would like to get a vaporizer, but it must be suitable for using with hash. In my location, good herb is hard to find, but black hash from Nepal is widely available, very good quality and reasonably priced.

Does anybody have any suggestions or recommendations?

I suggest you tell me where you are and recommend I come and visit. I'll bring this
You can vape hash in a lot of rigs. Often, it's a matter of getting a screen and crumbling your hash.
No problem in the MFLB when I am at home. For when I am on the go, I use a variable volt mod. with a dry herb cartridge attatchment, works great.
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