420 Magazine Website News: November 2018


Hello everyone and welcome to our November Members Update.

This monthly post is to keep you informed about what’s going on behind the scenes at 420 Magazine during the last few weeks, introducing you to our valued new and renewing sponsors and highlighting our monthly contest winners.

As always, we offer a warm welcome to all our new members. You have joined the friendliest, most mature and comprehensive Cannabis and Hemp website in the world. In return we’d simply ask that you spend a few moments reading our Posting Guidelines. It helps us no end if you can stick to these: it reduces the time we need to spend moderating and advising, allowing us the space to continue maintaining, developing and adding to the website itself.

For new members, we’ve also added a handy shortlist of links which answer the most common “how to” questions about posting and to help you get the most out of 420 Magazine. Helpful Links For New Members

And why not post a little bit about yourself in our Introduce Yourself thread? It’s a great way to start conversations and get initial guidance.

We’d like to extend our special thanks to those members who take the time and trouble to voluntarily welcome members who introduce themselves. They show and share great 420 Magazine positive vibes. Thank you all!

We always say that we wouldn’t be here without our Sponsors, however it’s equally true that 420 Magazine wouldn’t be such a great mission without you, our members. We are always grateful for your presence, contributions, positive energy and spirit of helping others.

420 Magazine Staff News & Job Opportunities
We are delighted announce that Orlando Scout (previously Cav Scout) has joined the back room team. Orlando has volunteered to help us get on top of Completed Journals, as every finished or abandoned journal needs thoroughly checking for any infractions.

It’s an invaluable role, which until recently Amadeus Forzin has been gallantly handling alone. We are also looking forward to Orlando’s first product review too.

Thank you, Orlando, for your generous, volunteering spirit. We are truly grateful.

If there’s anyone else out there who would like to volunteer as a staff member, then please send your résumé to humanresources@420magazine.com. Please remember that you’ll need a good and established posting history to be considered.

We are delighted to announce that November’s Sponsor of the Month is long term 420 Magazine sponsor, Sensi Seeds.

Sensi Seeds was a pioneer of the cannabis seed industry in 1985. Today, the company is the world’s largest cannabis seedbank with over 500 varieties. These genetics and the brand name have become true classics in the cannabis community. The Dutch government chose Sensi Seeds genetics to develop the medicinal cannabis supplied by pharmacies.

We are always grateful to new and renewing sponsors. During October, we were rejoined by returning sponsor, Advanced LED and welcomed brand new sponsor, VapingFans.

420 Sponsor: Advanced LED
420 Sponsor: VapingFans

Please check out these profiles of our new sponsors, and visit their websites. It’s thanks to like-minded companies like these that 420 Magazine remains a free source of news and information. Please support our mission by supporting them.

Our Home Page
Don’t get stuck in the growing forums. Do remember to check out our Home Page regularly. It’s full of interesting news stories, sponsor profiles, features on our contest winners and some great articles written by our sponsors.

420 Magazine runs five contests each month, celebrating our members and their work. If you enjoy photos of sticky buds or extraordinary plants, if you aspire to be the Member of the Month or want to see some of the best grow journals anywhere, then do look at our monthly contests. Congratulations to all our winners, who, thanks to our sponsors, will be receiving some great prize packages.

420 Magazine’s Grow Journal Of The Month: November 2018 – BeezLuiz
420 Magazine’s Photo of the Month: October 2018 – Nivek
420 Magazine’s Member of the Month: October 2018 – Preston9mm
420 Magazine’s Plant of the Month: October 2018 – InTheShed
420 Magazine’s Nug of the Month: October 2018 – TheGreenYeti

You don’t have to be an experienced grower to enter the contests – any member with a minimum of 50 posts may enter and vote in those with polls. There are some great prizes to win – exclusive 420 Magazine merchandise such as nug jars, t-shirts, lighters, magnets (which you can’t get hold of any other way), and some quality and high value goods from our sponsors too; lights, nutrients, vaporizers, seeds, gift certificates and much more.

420 Magazine’s Photo of the Month: November 2018
420 Magazine’s Member of the Month: November 2018
420 Magazine’s Plant of the Month: November 2018
420 Magazine’s Nug of the Month: November 2018

So if you fancy picking up a garden-full of great prizes, or just enjoy looking at some of the most beautiful plants and nugs produced on the planet, do check out our contests. They are fun and inspirational.

That’s it for this month. Thank you for being a valuable part of our Mission, we are truly grateful for you.

Sending you all lots of love and positive energy through the universe.

Teddy Edwards
420 Administrator