Recent content by Cannacar

  1. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge Cannafan, I was thinking the same thing. Get your uncle to substitute weed for the oxy and he might get healthy as a side effect. I cannot believe how good I feel. I must have started tacking regularly following Tim's program sometime in Dec. Before that...
  2. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge Circuit, I tack a big booger of Harlequin cco/co every evening. In the mornings, or whenever I get out of bed and after my coffee and almonds (aka breakfast), I tack Tangie cco/co. I was given a jar of Harlequin cco/co a while back. The CCO actually had...
  3. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge ^^ What they said about slogging thru hundreds of pages for info. I'm retired too, but still I don't have all day to read topics where maybe half the content is relevant, and the rest is people barging in and asking questions already answered if they'd...
  4. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge I use harlequin CCO mixed with coconut oil for all sorts of things. Surgery recovery, skin irritation, sore muscles... Read that it is a vasodilator. Sue, congrats on MOTY! Re your withdrawal, I assumed that you are traveling, so might have chosen to leave...
  5. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge Sweetsue and cannafan, so sorry about your forced withdrawal experiences. I don't want to be without this wonderful medicine, and it is too bad that so many have to go without, for one stupid reason or another. Still, folks I talk with just don't understand...
  6. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge I agree completely that everybody in michigan should be given a still. Great info about all the stills, but very hard to keep up with! I was given an ounce of mixed shake today. What to do...the giver suggested edibles. I could add some of my own hybrid...
  7. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge My daytime tack (Tangie) is so gosh darn tasty! Very citrusy (tastes like grapefruit), and it makes me happy, motivated, and insightful. I must find more. I bought 2 clones last fall after trying the bud, bloomed the first maybe too soon (could'a' should'a'...
  8. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge I've been on vacation and busy so am 10 - no, wait, 35 ?? - pages behind, but want to say glad that this topic got moved to a more appropriate place, glad that there is a lot of activity to catch up on, agree that an emergency contact would be nice...
  9. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge I tacked my Tangie oil this afternoon (not an early riser), and the buzz (not a high, but a clearheaded, focused, happy feeling) has lasted me about 8 hours. Just tacked my nighttime Harlequin. I'm considering sneaking little gobs of both oils into maybe a...
  10. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge Thanks, Radogast! BTW, I licked the spoon. Oh, my. :blushsmile: Tomorrow I lick the bowl! This memorial grow, any rules? (Start date, seed, or just designate a clone?)
  11. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge A family member is an aspie. Probably two of them are, but the diagnosis is younger than the person by a decade or two. Would like to give my aspie kid cannabis, but we wonder if he might be given a pee test at his crappy retail job. I didn't know where...
  12. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge Thanks for the warm welcome a few days ago, and happy new year, all! I have everclear in the freezer, along with 1/2 oz each Tangie and Yoda to make my daytime and nighttime oils. This will be my first attempt at making oil. That amount looks like the...
  13. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge P.S. As a side effect of my CCO use, my blood pressure and glucose are normal, and mood control and sleeping arent problems, so I have quit 4 Rx meds. Hope that the low-dose tacking, which I've only recently started, helps me with asthma, too. P.P.S. I came...
  14. C

    Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

    re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge Saying hello after reading this entire thread - which I stopped reading another long thread to visit. I started using CCO a couple years ago when I was treated for ovarian cancer. A family member cooked me up a batch of Harlequin. I did not have good dosing...
  15. C

    Asthma by Jeff Ludwig

    Just found this whole section of medical cannabis personal stories. Not much action here.... Well, weed def. helps relieve my asthma symptoms.
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