Recent content by DoctorGonzo

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  4. DoctorGonzo

    Bug problem! Leaf diagnosis?

    The bottom line is: Neem doesn't eradicate spider mites. At best it controls them. .
  5. DoctorGonzo

    RD Moonshine Ghost Train - Moxie Snake Venom & Lemon OG By The Tard

    This site by %, is new growers. I'd guess ++80% have 0-3 runs in, total. And if you don't count "I have three CFLs in a box my footstool came in, in my closet" as a "grow" it's even less. Which is fine, but I agree, probably best they hold off on the advice. I see "I'm pretty new at this but...
  6. DoctorGonzo

    Bug problem! Leaf diagnosis?

    It's about $100/half liter. Stored refrigerated, lasts years. But since you only need a few ml for a tent sized treatment I've heard it can be bought on sites like eBay where people have broken it down to smaller amounts. It works, unlike most things, is why I'm so pro-it. .
  7. DoctorGonzo

    Bug problem! Leaf diagnosis?

    To. Eradicate. Mites: FLORAMITE SC. A systemic. The. End.
  8. DoctorGonzo

    Bug problem! Leaf diagnosis?

    Neem isn't systemic, it's a topical. And you just controlled the mites, not eradicated them. Meaning: When eggs hatch, shortly, you'll be back to Ground Zero again.
  9. DoctorGonzo

    Bug problem! Leaf diagnosis?

    No, neem isn't systemic.
  10. DoctorGonzo

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    Simply: If you exchange the total volume of cubic feet in your space 1x/minute with air that's the target temp or slightly lower, you're all set.
  11. DoctorGonzo

    Bug problem! Leaf diagnosis?

    Spider mites can't live outdoors. In 14 days or so they'll all be . dead
  12. DoctorGonzo

    The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

    The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon Defoliation, isn't a very good idea. And to that level? That reduces yield significantly. I've never defoliated a plant the way I see people doing it hereabouts, and I never will. Removing lowers, before flower, that'll never mature is a good idea. Those...
  13. DoctorGonzo

    H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

    Thanks! . Ah, you get used to the "70 count" thing. Seriously. .8ec (560ppm) is about as low as you normally get, so .9/630 to 1.7/1190 (max) is really the whole spectrum. And really, once you've measured your nutrients in schedule a few times you'll know what the ec is naturally without...
  14. DoctorGonzo

    H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

    EZ EC 101: North American Standard EC: Each .1 is = 70ppm i.e. 1.2ec = 840ppm European Standard EC: Each .1 = 50ppm i.e. 1.2ec = 600ppm The higher the ec, the stronger the food.
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