09' GrowJournal.

Thanks for that DeadTour09, i was wondering that for a while.When i was going to harvest her.

Shes doing very good outdoors, shes not geting much sun anymore.About 3 to 4 hours of direct sun but shes still growing.I havent fed her anything but plenty of R/O water and once in a while water from my fish tanks.Im thinking of bringing her indoors so i can see how her bud is, high,taste ect., i wanted to keep the clone i took from her as the mother.But i think she has bugs and i dont wana infest my indoor plants. Anyone know of a spray that its safe to use to get rid of pests?

These pics are about a week old.

These are the most recent pics of her.

This is the clone i plan on keeping as a mother plant.

Thanks for stoping by.
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