150 Watt HPS - Indica - Closet - Soil Grow

Update !

Hello everyone just posting some pictures for you to see the recovering process :p
I think the Ice Kush is handling pretty good with all that stress that she had in this past couple of days with the repoting and that stem broking up, also did some prunning soo it was a prettty stressful week for her but she's a very tought girl
The Afgooey is growing a lot day by day she is just a bushy ass plant, really hoping that she fits in my closet with one more week in veg,
Also took a pic of them in the closet for you to see them space.


The Ice Kush

The Afgooey

Results of topping
If you can't adjust your light any higher up I would flip them to 12/12 12 on 12 off

Thanks a lot for the reply Meta, i can ajust the light a little bit upper but my problem i think would be on the width. but i'am also afraid off later i regret changing the clock early

look at those healthy girls! cant wait subscribed as well!

Thanks bro!!! Always good having more people on board that motivates me to continue updating!
I don't understand exactly what you regret, BTW this hobby is not about regrets and worries and fears, breath... Deep breaths I am serious just breath and fear not, no worries no regrets enjoy this hobby is about learning and succeeding not failing and succeeding, Make notes of your mistakes, don't repeat them, once your skill peaks you can experiment or upgrade things you see that are holding you back, get some grows under your belt and have fun, don't let your hobby occupy your mind all day try keeping your visits to twice a day to check for things like do they need water, inspect the leaves, look for pests etc. then leave things in a safe manor and go about your day, if you were in Hydro it would be white knuckles for you, soil is more forgiving, there really isn't much you can do now other than flip and watch for males, water and feed them, pick off dead leaves, be mindful of odour etc, eventually with time and patience you will see your plants turn yellow and begin to finish, then you check for the colour of the trichs, so maybe look for a jewellers loop or a scope in the mean time. Read about peoples experiences and harvests. It's not over till it is all cured and ready to roll ma man. I have weed that's 2 years old, it's like a fine wine that gets better with age, very smooth and very mellow like a fine Scotch.
I don't understand exactly what you regret, BTW this hobby is not about regrets and worries and fears, breath... Deep breaths I am serious just breath and fear not, no worries no regrets enjoy this hobby is about learning and succeeding not failing and succeeding.
Thank you bro! This journal aint nothing without you :p
I guess i could be more patient ,take that breath, sit back and enjoy this beautiful opportunity that I have to grow in one closet one of the things that I like the most, I wish i could do that with everything that i like :p
i'am just new in all this and you learn to like and be patient with time and with people like you ! Thanks
I've already changed the clock last night finnaly :p
Now its show time ! And with all that said and with all the worries behind, there is only one thing that concerns me. The smell, but time will dictate what i will do, i guess i will try ona gel to start and hope that works :p
Once again many thanks meta your advices are the best :D
Hey Bud I am here for ya, I will admit I am very impatient, so when I first started growing it felt like a lifetime, I thought things were never going to finish, Now I trust what I am doing and the timers take care of the light and I take care of the food and water and everything else, I visit maximum 2 times a day. So I understand patience will come in time, I just don't want you to stress I want you to enjoy no matter the outcome while still being diligent.

If you do not have a carbon filter and fan you will need to control the air where you are, like venting it out a window, be aware the smell goes where the air does, so if the air travels under a door that's where the smell is going to go. So if you are in an apartment find out where your air is going. you might open a window an inch or two to see if the air comes in or out. If it comes in your apartment / room is under negative pressure which means the air is likely travelling out of your area under a door and into other spaces. If the air travels out the window you may be okay with directing the air from your grow out that window.

Whatever you do, there will eventually be smell, you should think about that now because it gets much more potent as the plants flower, and can come on fast and strong.

There are some diy people hear that have used things like bbq charcoal so there are ideas that are cheap.

Keep on rockin brother
If you do not have a carbon filter and fan you will need to control the air where you are, like venting it out a window, be aware the smell goes where the air does, so if the air travels under a door that's where the smell is going to go. So if you are in an apartment find out where your air is going.
Keep on rockin brother

Thanks once again Meta,you should make a journal
Yeah patience will come with time for sure
About the smell, the ladys are in a garage that means that there is no windows or doors only a gate to separate the plants from the building :eek: that's my bigest worry
Also because i have an opened setup, its a handmade shit soo its not sealed, i think a carbon filter would be a waste of money and there is no room in my closet to put a carbon filter
Really don't know what to do i matters of smell and as soon I find a solution the better, because now i have no idea of how much i'll have to spend.
Yeah i know come over here and find me a solution !!! ahahah :p
i've already did a little bit of research and the easiest and chepeast solutions is the ona block and there are a lot of people that says that for 1 or 2 plants the ona block is enought , I think i will give it a try and if it doesn't work i will have to find another solution and maybe then i'll have to think about spending a good money on a carbon filter i've never had plants to the end of their cycle so i dont know what kind of stink they release and how it spreads around, but it's the part that scares me the most about growing 4sure.
Update !

Hello everyone this is day 2 of flowering finnaly! And I think that only in two days after changing the clock they are already showing signs of quick development I hope that they fit in my closet
The Ice Kush is 100 % healed and strong as never. many bottom branches now have more light and showing quick development as well

Ice Kush


The Afgooey


(right one "Ice Kush" )

Thanksssss and leave your comments and tips ive never flowered plants this big before

Your plants are looking amazing buddy! For smell, can you vent out high like an upstairs room? Smell dissipates very quickly above human heads :)
Thank you for the reply bro!
The problem is that i can't vent anywhere is on a garage very undeground shit :p
I'll have to find a cheap solution quick because they'r going to get very smelly i think

hey brother i thought id drop by to says hi and check out your garden

everything looks great, nice job :thumb:
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