1st time using FloraSeries in coco: need advice

Hello , why do people want to make this complicated , 2-3ml/lt of calmag , 1ml/lt of silica, 2-3ml/lt micro, -(purple)2-3ml/lt-grow -(green), 2-3ml/lt -bloom (pink), nothing else is needed other than a ph of 5.8-6.0, you may have to increase the calmag a little depending on your plant , myko is for soil ,it is flushed out in coco and epsom salt is what it says a salt you are hurting your plants by adding more salt , gh nutes have more than enough salt already in them , watch the outside of your cloth pots you will see the salt start to deposit on the outside of the pot as a white ring , this is not a good thing , just keep watering your plants daily with a good 20-25 % run off , i am watering twice a day but once is ok to depending on the size of the pot you are using , i am using 10 gallon pots cloth with elevators under the pot and a 4 inch deep catch tray , run this same routine all the way through flower with a 1ml/lt of bloom extra in the 2nd week of flower till the last week of flower then just give them ph water only to help use up the nutes in the coco and in the plants ,let them turn yellow in the last week , i do nut flush just the same amount of water as usual , slow gradual decrease in nutes for the last week , i have never had a plant that did not yield at least 10 zips of dried bud on this routine (photo-fem seeds )-less is more with coco just feed often ,leds do require more calmag than a hps bulb , general speaking yellow means feed more , brown means you are feeding to much , it is impossible to over water coco it just runs out of the pots , i run a 70-30 coco/perlite mix in my pots , thats is it goood luck and stay safe in these trying times .
36 hrs of total darkness then chop , and yes i chop in the dark , i use a small flash light to chop the main stalk just above the coco , trim stems off the stalk , and trim the buds fully spin them like a lollipop as you trim , hang for a few days , this is were it gets a little complicated as some plants take 2-3 days some take longer you want to to get them to be dry but not to dry , they should make a slight snap sound went you bend the stem , then into mason jars for 35-45 days with a 52% bovida pouch and opening the jars daily to allow fresh air in and moisture out , i give them a gently shake to move the buds around a bit , that is it , if you want to make edibles i press -squish my buds very soon after the dry period before they go in to the jars , better yield and terps this way as there is still a bit of moisture in the buds . i hope my rant help folks but this has been very successful for me and it took me quite a few grows to get this to this point .
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