24/7 or 18/6

Ossi Ossi

Well-Known Member
I have 4 autos on day 86
Is there any advantage in me changing the lights 24/7 to speed things up or not
Just let them run the race at 18/6
I have dropped all Nutes and using PhD water 5.8


  • IMG_20200523_082343.jpg
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Autos are not photo period plants, so it will fully bloom when its ready no matter what light cycle you are using. Unfortunately blooming is on the plants time schedule not ours.. lol :)
Hmm not sure?.... Could be different pheno types causing different growth rates?. My friends are more into growing autos, I'll have to ask one of them. Myself I'm more in the camp of preserving genetics then just growing. :)
I have 1 ready now and between the other 3 all still at stages with bright white hair s
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