420’s 4x4 Soil 315cmh EarlyMiss Grow Journal 2018

Late miss in a 3 gallon......do you have to water it every hour? LOL. That thing is crazy, but looking good.
Thnx I water it twice daily usually at lights on and a bit more at lights off incase im late for lights on. Shes a beast i got a nug drying she smells like a skunk im lookin fwd to a solid finish!!
Day 159 was Monday and Late miss had a few bananas just starting to show i think she finally got stressed over the top. Needless to say trichs were lookin all cloudy few amber little to no clear. I shut the light down Sunday they spent 48hrs in the dark. Monday night chop chop 48oz of green grass I expect 10-12 oz of dry bud. My samples leading up to the chop were good im hoping the trend continues. Final weight to follow and then this journal will end. Thanks everyone and happy growing!!


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Hey SmokeLake,
Probsbly ready thtowing bananas, or close to it.
Get rid of those dead leaves, or they will rot and rot buds.
Nice grow.
Hey Lowrider72
She got harvested i trim and plucked anything remotely capable of rot im well aware how painful it is to have to toss a stash that molded due to any number of variables.
Hard to believe that giant was a sibling of Wade! Is the aroma changing as it dries/cures, or still pure skunk?
Believe it or Not 1 pkg 5 seeds and the stars aligned to give me the most variety possible from frail and poor to huge and stinky. I find as others do the chop is skunky but kinda green then as the outside dries they become much less aromatic and more just drying green matter. As the weeks go by in jars the smell comes back but im not overly impressed with my final product its good but i know i can do better! Many more grows to follow!!
The end is here for EarlyMiss. After 6months ive harvested my final plant of 5. Early Miss Auto from CKS has a nice flavour and good high. I know i made mistakes but after 6 months i know auto flowers are not for me. Im going photo for a few rounds. Totals from late miss 12oz dry buds
Droopy was about 6oz dry buds
Wade was a gram RIP Wade
The first 2 whos names elude my late miss induced brain were about 2oz
Grand total for this grow aprox 20oz
Im not disappointed at all its been fun! Thankyou all who have been along for this ride Ill be starting a new journal immediately for my 3 outdoor girls and a second separate journal for the tent when I start a 4th lady in her DWC home.

Happy 420!!
That's a nice collection of glass. I think I see Wade in the bottom left jar, wayyyyyyy at the bottom!
I see you have boveda packs in some. Do you leave them in, or do you pull them when you are happy with the cure? I'm using them too, but I never researched if I should be taking them out after a while.
That's a nice collection of glass. I think I see Wade in the bottom left jar, wayyyyyyy at the bottom!
I see you have boveda packs in some. Do you leave them in, or do you pull them when you are happy with the cure? I'm using them too, but I never researched if I should be taking them out after a while.
Thnx GTX i can grow way more than i smoke i look fwd to some of these jars in 6 months when they are more cured. Wade went up in smoke 1 big fat joint it was nice!! I have moved the bovedas from jars that I believe are stabilized moisture wise to the newly filled jars. I have a few xtra if i need them. Not all the new jars have one. You can leave them in there till you smoke it no time frame im aware of couple years in fact. I find the bud stays so nice and fresh it’s amazing. I literally leave a bud out for a few hrs to let it get to my preferred smokable state.
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