5th bad grow


New Member
Hi guys. I have been reading and following tips and instructions now from here since I have been having problems but as far nothing has worked. I have had many great grows but as of about 8 months ago thins started going downhill. the leaves just started dying and bud production was failing big time. I have done nothing different to what I always did so could not understand what was going on. I changed nuets from soil to coco and back again but always get the same problem. it is always at about 3 weeks flower the problem starts and gets so bad the grow is ruined. at the moment I am using royalty mix with basic feed plagron terra grow/bloom I had the same problem using coco and canna a/b pk45 boost. it has come to the point where I have to come on post some pics and try and get to the bottom of what is going on. the light is about a ft to 2 ft away so I don't think it is burn. I don't know how to add pictures to this thread so can someone explain this. thanks.
as you can see the leaves are dying,i have removed loads of fan leaves as they just crumbled away. these are actualy 5 weeks of flowering out of 7 and before I had this problem the bud was huge at this point. I am lost as this is the 5th grow now where they have failed.
Looks like a Phosphorus deficiency. Which would explain the small buds and the dying and curling of the fan leaves. Try getting a fertilizer specifically for bloom that has a high P value. What are the NPK values of the current ferts you are using?
Hi Ultradan. here are the values of the bloom I use. I have used this same bloom for years with no problems. my ph is always on the button so I don't understand what has gone wrong the last 5 grows.

• N-P-K = 2-2-4
• pH 4.5 - 6.5

I also use a finisher the last 3 to 4 weeks with plenty of additives to feed the plants what they need in flower.
A friend of mine is doing the exact same grow as me with no problems, the only difference is the plants. Also like I said before using the same method ie nuetes, grow medium and temps has been very successful, its just that about 8 months ago things went downhill and I havent been able to recover from it. The inly thing I have done since things went wrong was put a hotshot pest strip in the tent to get rid of a few flies. Could this have poisoned my plants therfore the clones that have come from them to date ? I must add that 2 varieties have suffered the same downfall but the ak48 a bit more than the powerplant.
It's not an assembly line man. No grow will ever be exactly the same. Different plants want different things. You have to be able to manipulate your grow style/ methods/ materials to best suite the plants needs during that grow.

I'm not sure about the strip. I wouldn't think that it could've, but who knows
Mmm not sure what to suggest ?

I've had problems with clones before but that was clones taken from clones from clones many times & eventually fizzled them selfs out failing to root...

Another problem i encountered was re using the same growing medium many (a few) times over with myself being soil/compost grower.
Thanks for the replies. It is a difficult one. I think what I will do is start from scratch with a new strain from seed and try the tiger bloom as suggested by ultradan and see what happens. I suppose I cant expect it to work out everytime but I am just glad that I still get enough medication to last about 6-8 weeks of a bad grow so I cant complain.

I shall report back in about 2 to 3 months to see if the new grow has been successfull or the same problem has occurred.
Thanks for the replies. It is a difficult one. I think what I will do is start from scratch with a new strain from seed and try the tiger bloom as suggested by ultradan and see what happens. I suppose I cant expect it to work out everytime but I am just glad that I still get enough medication to last about 6-8 weeks of a bad grow so I cant complain.

I shall report back in about 2 to 3 months to see if the new grow has been successfull or the same problem has occurred.

I suggest starting a grow journal (if you have time). It will allow people to follow along through the entire process and offer more conclusive help when/if needed. Til then :peace::tokin:
Cheers guys. I wont bin it or I will be left without medication and it only has 2-3 weeks left. I will start from scratch using a seedbank feminised seeds but as for the journal I am unsure if I have the time or iT skills to do this lol. I appreciate your replies ultradan and fuzzyduck and will certainly up the NPK during flower and see if this makes a difference.
hi guys. 5 days ago I started adding Phosphorus at a npk of 15 and for definite it has doubled the death rate on the leaves. I now have not 1 fan leaf left and all other smaller leaves around budding areas are quickly going yellow and crispy. :( . any ideas ?
The phosphorus needed to be added. But here's my two cents

I think you are over watering/feeding
Also poor ventilation maybe a hot spot or two
Not climate controlled

I've had similar problems do to those situations check them over. Your ph is probably high as well. I'm still heavily leaning towards poor drainage/over watering,feeding

Hope that helps. Pm me or ask me any questions you need.
Dutty Panty you were spot on. PH was spot on ventilation was ok but my problem was over watering leading to plants not being able to take in any neuts. when I binned them the soil had absolutely no root system at all. I have already started next grow and have not watered until bone dry the difference is amazing,the leaves are as green as a leaf can be lol. definatly healthiest plants to date. again love the site keep up the good work.

Glad you got it Alex. Sometimes it takes 1,2 or even more then 5 grows for it to all click but there will be that ah ha moment which you probably just encountered. From that point on the general idea and love of gardening starts to happen. With most it even becomes an obsession (myself for sure) There's only been a couple of people I've helped that haven't eventually got it down and made it there lifestyle. Those few that couldn't figure it out were only in it for the money. Especially when it went legal everyone thought they could go spend a bunch of money and put a seed in soil and boom your rolling in the dough.

It's sad that such a miracle plant can be persecuted for such a reason as to create more money for greedy governments,politicians and pharmaceutical companies but that's a rant for another thread

Alex if you need any help at all don't hesitate to post a question in my garden thread or pm me. Congrats and now big big buds to come.
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