A question to all the people from the United Kingdom?

In the south west (i heard this from rumours because im clearly not from that part of the country) you can pick up standard bog weed and it should be £25 for 3.5, £20 for 2.8 and 1.4 for £10. For the ultra-boom-pengdengle it's £10 on the gram. Having said that, depending on how selfish your dealer is means it does vary rather a lot. either way its too much!!
Down in Norwich area its £10 a g on near enuff anything!!! Ranges from sprayed sh1t to top quality bud.
Some people are even paying £10 for a teenth of squidgy :yikes:
In Northernn Ireland price has gone through the roof in the past couple of years. Generally £10 per g and most won't even dscount on the oz for pretty decent weed. Hash varies soapbar, which I would drather not, goes for about £60 an oz. You can also pick up the best of polm for around £220 an oz. There are some "decent folk" selling ozs of skunk for £200. The growing explosion over here in the past say five years has made some people considerable amounts of money.

Also some of the even more greedy dealers have started spraying their grass to up the weight.

I have started to grow my own (first five plants in week five of flowering - (dam it takes a long time) to avoid the sprayed stuff it is terrible and goodness knows what it is doing to one's insides and obviously to save a bit of money credit cruhch and all
Alex801 serious your spot on mate!!!! dont get me wrong blues is nice but not all the time. we also get blue cheese, cheese, blues or that about it these days man, but when i get blues it is blues!! but still less than 2g, 1.6 low as it goes really.

Init fuk the dealers anyway greedy bastard, used to get a oz for 120 or somethin now 240. unless you know the grower or they not kids you can get lucky, but fuk them man i seen 1.2 sold as 8ths.

Thats the thing they still calling a 20bag an 8th which it not its fukin less than 2gram!!
i usualy pay about 6k on the kg bout 150 is a oz of proper nice dried cured bud no stalk nothing but sweet tasting smelly stuff its nnot a bad price i usualy only buy it in big bulk so keeps me goin through the year but now started my own growing :):peace:
here in northamptonshire its 0.7g for a £10 2.4g for £20 on highgrade and 1.4g for a £10 and 2.8g for £20 but a get 3.0g for £25 on highgrade got to love the oldtimers they allways got the peng stuff
just thought i would bump this with an update.
I am an extensive traveller and resident of the UK.
ive lived or visited almost every big city from berwick in the north to Camborn in the SW and and as far SE as Maidstone.

It seems the oldskool measurements are fading out. usually you can get an 8th for 25 quid (commercial) but that method seems to be almost dead unless you know a guy...now a days its all done on a tenner a gram basis and sometimes its .7 for a tenner when the guy tries to claim its top draw.

ive had real crap and genuine top notch gear for these prices.

if you pay any more than that you have to trust the person is giving value for money or must be seriously desperate.
London/ Surrey - your lookign about £20 for an 8th - some people did try putting an extra£5-£10 if it was hydro grown.... not tooo sure why?!
Same here in South East UK its £10 for whats supposed to be a gram but it's getting more like 0.6 (£220-280oz) had to start own grow sick of paying £10 for a shit joint looking forward to first harvest Feb!!
I have been using cannabis for medicinal purposes, it made a really big difference, and
meant I could function much better and be there for my children and husband. I no longer
have any way to access it now, I got lucky in that I came across someone who was growing
their own and I knew it was safe. I am currently resorting to codeine which is nasty. I
have muscle pain and tension, IBS, aspergers syndrome, depression, anxiety, and am
exhausted generally most of the time, I find it almost impossible to function daily in a
normal capacity. Can you advise where I could find a safe source in the UK? I hope this
makes sense, I am feeling very unwell at the moment.

If you can grow - it is a great alternative. Hats off to anyone who takes the plunge, learns the rules (no smell, no sell, no tell :thumb: ) Once you learn to deal with the occasional moment of paranoia when seeing a copper near your house :bravo: it is such a pleasure to grow. Focusing on just one plant and the different types within types is fascinating and the end result is so rewarding :bongrip:

It took me time to learn how to relax into it. Like a lot of newbies I was super intense about it :helpsmilie:. Now I feel I have a good 'eye' to spot problems and I have a full armory to meet any pests or deficiencies. :woohoo:

Best of luck to anyone who takes up the cause and saves the weed and stops the greed :thanks: :circle-of-love:
Ayla, I'm not sure anyone on here would be willing to give out contact details, especially to someone with one post, no disrespect but you could be anyone. You're better off trying a grow, if you can, like wanju says above.

I'm about half hour from Portsmouth and have been paying about 25 for an 8th but it's been such rubbish quality, might as well just smoke regular rollies. So instead of lining their pockets, I thought I'd give this growing lark a go.
Im a west midlands Lad (birmingham/Sandwell/dudley etc)

A Draw is a tenna, which is meant to be 1g, but is anything from .7 up to 1g.
Some people do 1/8th at 3.5g fro 30 quid.
Oz's r typically 180 - 200
half o's 100-120

Complete fucking rip off, Half the stuff floating around ant nothing special, then again, its all about "cheese" round here, whereas im more of a Haze Fan myself :]
well i am in teesside a rubbish seaside town.
0.8g £10.00 (meant to be 1.0g)
1.6g £20.00 (meant to be 2.0g)

and 80 for a quarter 7.0g
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