Accidentally snapped the stem at the bottom while LST

John Holmes

Active Member
Hey, i attempted my first LST by tying the branches down to the side of my pot. The stem snapped at the bottom shere i once topped it, theres barely anything holding them on, should i let them be and hope for recovery or should i try to do some duct taping?


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you just need to make sure that the breaks are held down tight (no air gaps on the area where they broke and that is going to be your challenge. I have had branches break completely off and fit them back together and taped them without an issue . At this point you have nothing to lose trying your best . Its time to get creative , you can stick to wires in your medium right next to the stalk and each broken limb , seat back down where it broke and use a twist tie to hold it in place with a little upward pressure so it stays seated . I think you get the idea .
I broke one of my DP and had no way of taping it without covering up a node so I propped it up with a bamboo stick and garden wire, I put a small piece of tape across the gap like a band aide for a couple of days. It healed into a big knuckle and turned out to be one of my bushiest plants.
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