Advanced. h202 exposure time to kill gnats?


New Member
ok at the moment im using a mix of water that equates to 0.01% h202 (same sort of numbers expected when using 1.5ml of 29% per gallon e.t.c)

in this water i also add a low dose of growmore, generic liquid seaweed and superthrive.

this i flush through my pots and then leave to dry. but im not happy that this is the best way and my plants go all floppy and take several days to recover.

what i would prefer to do it to run fresh water that is h2o2 enriched leave it for X time (X=Time it takes to kill gnat larvae) and then follow that watering with a 2nd watering of half strength nutes (including superthrive)

can anyone tell me how long it takes h202 to do its larvae killing job before i can flush it away from doing more damage to the roots?
I have used Arbico Organic's NemAttack Steinernema feltiae beneficial nematodes with great results. No worries about damaging your plants. However, you should never pass up a free sample!
thanks guys. yeah sns is not practical for me im too far away. especially when you think about my growing jungle, like nearly 50 plants and just a few weeks from doubling my capacity.

h202 is my current weapon of choice. it does the job and its a clean weapon. there is some small risk to the roots, but h202 has been used before to kill gnats.

my problem is the theories vary wildly from 0.01% total h202 content to .6% and as you can see thats a huge margin to work with.

i did see reference on another site about it killing them on contact which certainly sounds like great news to me. if they die within a few seconds then that does increase to level of strength i can use if i intend to flush afterwards.

see hydroponic shop h2o2 comes with a lable and te 29% stuff says 1.5 mil per gallon which equates to around that 0.01% mark, yet there is even a web page out there explaining it should be 3%h202 mixed 1-4 with water to specifically kill gnat larvae, but to me that sounds super strong.

so really at this time the advice i need must come from someone with more knowledge of h202 in soil than i have ;)
A 16oz of SNS-203 can give you 8 gallons of concentrate ;)

Plenty for that amount; and 1 gallon version can make 100 gallons.

ill have to check it out, but getting a couple of quart bottles from BPN cost me like $100 in shipping. =(

i would have to buy it in gallons, a few ounces wont go far at all, especially if i get them again in the future since im doubling my plant numbers roughly every 10 weeks ;)
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