Airy nugs


Active Member
Hi all. I’m currently on day 3 of drying my bud. 18.-21 degrees and Average rh of 50-57 rh. My bud was dense when it was chopped and on my inspection this morning I noticed that the bud is becoming loose and airy. Is this normal practice or have I messed up some how? Stressing like crazy :nervous-guy:
Hi all. I’m currently on day 3 of drying my bud. 18.-21 degrees and Average rh of 50-57 rh. My bud was dense when it was chopped and on my inspection this morning I noticed that the bud is becoming loose and airy. Is this normal practice or have I messed up some how? Stressing like crazy :nervous-guy:
I find that until they are dried and cured they feel soft. Give them time. :thumb:
Hi all. I’m currently on day 3 of drying my bud. 18.-21 degrees and Average rh of 50-57 rh. My bud was dense when it was chopped and on my inspection this morning I noticed that the bud is becoming loose and airy. Is this normal practice or have I messed up some how? Stressing like crazy :nervous-guy:
do you have a journal?
Pictures? Man when you grow some rocks( really dense buds) sometimes they will take forever to dry. Like you can leave it on your dresser for 2 months and it will still stick to the wall. Sometimes if the nug looks poofy I will squeeze it a bit to make it (look) better. I wouldn’t squeeze anything till like day 4 tho cuz you want air to get all throughout the plant. Then you want the rest of the moisture to leave slowly, that’s why we jar em up. I got a big lemonade jar for drying long branch buds. Lol
Unfortunately I don’t have one bro. I’m going to be setting one up on my next grow
I used a marshydro ts1000 in a 3x3.
That's why your buds are larfy. You should have a minimum 270 watt draw from wall maybe get by with 250 but I'd go 300 watt draw light. That's how you are going to get bigger and denser buds. The rule of thumb is 30-50 Led watts per sq ft. You have 9 sq ft. 9x30=270watts thats minimum. Your current light TS 1000 in only drawing 150 watts from the wall. Not even half of what you need to flower. TS 1000 is only good for Veg in a 3x3
I used a marshydro ts1000 in a 3x3.
It will smoke good I bet! I like using cmh and hps with the leds. Lol,I just lined up my nutrients that I use and it looks overwhelming but I promise you it’s not that difficult...
That's why your buds are larfy. You should have a minimum 270 watt draw from wall maybe get by with 250 but I'd go 300 watt draw light. That's how you are going to get bigger and denser buds. The rule of thumb is 30-50 Led watts per sq ft. You have 9 sq ft. 9x30=270watts thats minimum. Your current light TS 1000 in only drawing 150 watts from the wall. Not even half of what you need to flower. TS 1000 is only good for Veg in a 3x3
Bro wrong tent :lot-o-toke: tsw 2000 is in that tent. The TS1000 is in the 2.5x2.5 solo cheese plant. It’s been a long day lol and I’ve been hitting the bong:hookah:
It will smoke good I bet! I like using cmh and hps with the leds. Lol,I just lined up my nutrients that I use and it looks overwhelming but I promise you it’s not that difficult...
I’ve been using the canna range. Rhizotonic cannazym canna A+B calmag pk 13/14 cannaboost. I’m 100% looking to try another nutrient line but there’s so many to choose from.
Bro wrong tent :lot-o-toke: tsw 2000 is in that tent. The TS1000 is in the 2.5x2.5 solo cheese plant. It’s been a long day lol and I’ve been hitting the bong:hookah:
Thats a great light for that space... Stoner... lol I don't have a Fu$king clue then... lol
Well I hate to be a party pooper :cough:

Ya drying your buds dude aka... removing moisture so they will naturally shrink, Mmm common sense !

How ever after growing several strains after a period of time you will learn they do not all act / grow the same as each other in so many ways... welcome to the growing life :green_heart:
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