Alcohol for tincture question

once you've gotten a successful order they will stop looking. a lot of organized crime types have switched to extracts so they can compete with legal on a bigger bang. that is why the scrutiny has occurred.

i move a lot of the stuff to my friends, but you have to be in the province and pick it up at an authorized store. the private stores can sell you single bottles, but the proofing is usually too little.
I will try again and see if I can convince them I just want to drink lots during my lockdown lol.
I may have a connect that I’m working now. You mentioned covid vodka and boom I may have a line.
Not sure where you r but I may have some 190 proof by the days end.

Not to sure where you r but if this is available it’s going to be in Vaughan and it’s coming from a distillery.
I hear ya brother. I know extracting with alcohol is still very illegal and this is why they ask soooooo many questions.
My problem is I don’t even drink so when they ask me questions like what do you want it for I’m completely lost for words lol. Thanks for the insight and I may try my luck again ordering something. I’m not much for giving up and I will get some high proof one way or the other lol.
Play safe and enjoy

Tell them you use it to make home made hand sanitizer. Or, tell them you are an artist and use it to thin out your paints and lacquers. Or tell them you are a prepper, and you don't trust commercial home cleaning products, so you use the ethanol to cut with water and then clean your house with it.

I buy it in 5 gallon buckets here in the U.S. I have to fill out a similar form, and submit a copy of my driver's license with it before it will ship. But, even with shipping, its still far cheaper than buying handles of Everclear.

Also, for ethanol extraction, you're gonna want the ethanol to be at least 80%. Anything less will be inefficient, and likely won't work out well.
Tell them you use it to make home made hand sanitizer. Or, tell them you are an artist and use it to thin out your paints and lacquers. Or tell them you are a prepper, and you don't trust commercial home cleaning products, so you use the ethanol to cut with water and then clean your house with it.

I buy it in 5 gallon buckets here in the U.S. I have to fill out a similar form, and submit a copy of my driver's license with it before it will ship. But, even with shipping, its still far cheaper than buying handles of Everclear.

Also, for ethanol extraction, you're gonna want the ethanol to be at least 80%. Anything less will be inefficient, and likely won't work out well.
Excellent thanks for the ideas. As I said I don’t drink so I will try all anything at this point and having something to tell them is exactly what I need.
Not sure where you r but I may have some 190 proof by the days end.

Not to sure where you r but if this is available it’s going to be in Vaughan and it’s coming from a distillery.
I'm an hour north of Vaughn.
Hey brother I hope all is well.
Every time I try to order through my local system they want to know everything about me. How can I order this stuff without getting asked my whole life story.
iv honestly sat through interrogations that were easier.
I just looking for some insight to this because I have had no luck try to order good high proof anywhere.
Im willing to pay the price as I’m Canadian and getting taxed 4 or 5 times the norm is normal. Any insight is greatly appreciated as I try to never miss this topic anywhere because I’m always looking for a workaround to get good high proof.
Play safe and
Why not use everclear? Just tell the mofos your pouring it in a watermelon! Lol
if you own a business you can buy direct from distiller and duck 60 - 70% of the cost ...

i can't say more safely.
Why not use everclear? Just tell the mofos your pouring it in a watermelon! Lol
I'd use it if I could find it but no luck so far .
I don’t own a business but it may be no paperwork required anyways from the distiller
they are governed tighter than cannabis. they have to account for all inputs and outputs at least once a month. hence the business ownership. there's ways to do it.
they are governed tighter than cannabis. they have to account for all inputs and outputs at least once a month. hence the business ownership. there's ways to do it.
Interesting. Feeling what your putting down just trying to figure out how to navigate my way through. I know they have been making a shit ton of sanitizer and other alcohol products over the past year as well as Drinking alcohol.
I would be sketched out using sanitizer. I would be making bubble hash and smashing it so what am I talking But for a tincture... alcohol forsure.
I was worried about using iso for tincture.
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