and feed 1/4 strength and work your way up ,two rounded cotyledon leaves will grow from the stem as the plant unfolds from the protective casing of the seed. These initial leaves are responsible for taking in the sunlight needed for the plant to become healthy and stable. As the roots develop, you will begin to see the first iconic fan leaves grow, and at this point, the cannabis plant can be considered a seedling. feed when the cotyledon leaves begin to yellow , she will feed of these first while the true leaves are beginning to form :thumb:
coco is hydro , so go by the hydro side of this chart .... left side :Rasta:

i start with these pots as you just pot them into larger pots , they break down so autos dont feel the transplant as bad , can just soak the bottom and rip it open , the lights i start with are t5 , cheap as hell to run and the seedlings love them more than led
I concure. I had better results with the younglings once i just pit them under a 23 watt cfl (100 watts virtually). They started pointing to the light instead of away. The 6500k ones.
Ok here are the latest from the girls. Started pH w watering of 6.0 so I'll check the improvement in the morning. Will probably start 1/4 dose nutrients in a day or two

Definite discoloring on leaf tips, hopefully pH being lowered solves this .

Other plant is still a little gnarled, but still recovering . Still looks better colored as well.
Will get free pictures with LED light off soon

Ok so I just got done mixing a batch of nutes. Here is my pH pen and also identifier liquid to confluence.

Here is the strength I mixed nutes to, but I cut the calimagic in half. Will feed the girls tonight and hopefully the discolored leaves cleans up

Here are the latest from the girls. Has now been about 8 days from sprout. And girls have gotten 2 light nutes waterings. My Light (300W LED) also sits about 16" above Coco.

So temperatures usually sit about 67-78°f. The 58° low it shows was before I switched lights to 24/0. Even then it's only hit 58° when I open tent to check on them.
Humidity is usually 55-70% . It drops for about 20 mins when I open the tent

Girl #1 looks ok to me. Not sure if the nutes helped with the lead tips but a few more days should tell. Now growing out her 3rd leaflets. Will do a size comparison picture as i think my photos give a false sense of size

Girl #2, the mutant has similar darkness that is coming from the central stock area as Girl #1. Also the mottled and twisted leaves are concerning me. Would lik some input from you more experienced guys if you can spare some. I like an underdog story so I'm rooting for this one...
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