Any ideas on what's going on here?


420 Member
Love to know if anyone has experienced this. 90% of this plants has these strange looking buds. No smell, No trichomes, hard and dry to touch. Yet one of the branches the buds are forming as usual, smell great and plenty of trichomes forming and sticky to touch. Never seen this before.
I have no idea of the genetics, just a random seed. All other plants doing well, all getting same feeding and watering program. Any ideas or remedies would be much appreciated.
Welcome to the site MrG. Pleasure to have ya here.

Well, someone was on earlier with some issues of brown spots. I looked close and saw white balls on his leaves. Turns out it was lint from a white sweat shirt. Do you own any white sweat shirts?

Hey Mr. G,

Welcome to 420. Leaves have severe taco, I would be curious about your light spacing and to know if have you checked for russet mites... they are beyond tiny so you will need to snip a few leaves and check both sides with a digital mini microscope to see anything. A usb scope cost about $30ish US.

I did notice there are a few white spots (plus what appears to be a chewed up leaf or two in second pic) which could be aphids - when they molt / shed their old carcass and it stays attached to the leaves.
i seen something like this once , now im not too sure but it was some caterpillar , also some russet and broad mites can do this ,
Its mites guaranteed. Sorry.
Well, there ya have it @MrG

When i grower comes in and without a doubt says what it is, you know they have battled it before and know they know exactly what it looks like. We get scarred and never forget.
Thanks Bill, is there any way to recover this plant or is it too late?
They are a nightmare. Slip a garbage bag over it cut the base and launch it as far away as you can get it. Sorry !
And pray you never see that again
Thanks Bill, is there any way to recover this plant or is it too late?
Cheers Bill, I figured you might say that. I'll do that now. So far it is the only plant that appears to be affected. Thanks for your help.
Hope your other girls turn into beautiful smoke. Happy growing friend.:peace:
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