Any other late night tokers?

yep.. just did.. and kief Re: any other late night tokers?

Yes..did a few one hitters with some regular crap, topped off with some good kief.
my lighter decided to not work for like an hour. something possessed me to try it again and its working now! (knock on wood) and I'm smoking the steamroller. :)
my old lady is making a carrot cake from scratch its cooling right now and i just finished off some juicyfriut with some super silver haze and a half of a cannabis lollypop. the house smells soooo good. im cooking ribs and some other stuff today on the grill its going to be a good food day at my house for sure
well im up again late on a saturday night. was over at the daughter's house visiting her and the grandkids and blasting my son in laws new binger. Im home and cant sleep wifey and my two sons are out like a light. Im getting ready to go hit some grand daddy purps right now should do the trick.
If I didnt smoke a bong or two an hour or so before I go to sleep it would be pointless. Ide toss and turn awake all night. Weed puts me in a great mood, then to sleep. Its good to smoke a heavey Indica before you fall asleep. You will sleep all through the night.
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