Any stoners here work out?


New Member
yeah, just wondering if anyone on these forums like to hit the gym like me. I been going to the gym usually about 4 times a week since last July to pump some iron with the free weights and bench and all that.. but damn this past month i havent been going to gym as much... too much smokin :bong:
My work outs are skateboarding and snowboarding! And lifting the bong and lighting a lighter or better yet, holding a magnifying glass above my bowl.
I try to go about three or four times a week, but usially make about three. My gym gets so crowded sometimes it's hard to keep my routine. I usially do about 20 mins cardio and then alternate between legs and back one day, then upper body the next.
Smoking weed doen't seem have any negative affect, but I quit smoking cigarettes a couple of months ago, my motivation increased 100%.
Any advise on how to get rid of this budda belly?
i hate gyms so i never go, but i've been trying to get in the habit of 4sets of 25 pushups every day and situps whenever i'm bored just for something to do
i have swim team practice monday through friday so thats my workout
i've been slacking off and i just started doing some push ups and working out a little bit at the gym here and there... and today i was just thinking i really should start doing some cardio and i am about to start running at the gym.. but i smoke too much to run... anyone know how bad smoking affects running work outs? :hmmmm:
I work out all the time. I used to belong to a gym, but I got tired of people staring at me or giving me dirty looks when I ran with my sunglasses on (I wear the, all the time for my eyes). I run with my girlfriend 3 times a week, and we run about 3 miles every day. I also do my army workouts on the days I dont run. That includes hundreds of pushups, situps, crunches, leg lifts and other tortures. I just weighed myself the other day and I weigh eaxcctly the same weight as when I left basic training...174 Pounds :)
FUnny thing is, I usualy smoke a joint or hitn the pipe before I do my army workouts. Lifting my legs and dooing pushupos is painfuil for me, and the weed helps me do the exercise :) Think AMERICAN BEAUTY and thats me...puffing a joint listening to music while I work out.
Headchange, I smoke weed all the time, and I run 3 or more miles every other day. I dont smoke before I run, that doesnt help me. But I DO smoke after I run, and before and during my pushups/situp workouts.
I also make it a point to walk up stairs and walk long distances as opposed to taking the car or elevator.
Damn some times I have trouble going down the subway stairs when I get really blazed before class...
and yes, they are mechaninc stairs lol..
i play soccer, snowboard, indoorsoccer,and a little rugby when possible, and i lift 3 times a week so you could say i work out, lol i alternate everyother time i lift inbetween, uperbody and lower body but if i have time i just do everything, like:
for shoulders: 25 lbs dumb bells, 2 sets of side raises and front raises
for biceps: i do 4 sets of straight bar 75-95 lbs incearese each set
for triceps: cable cross, 75-85 staight pull downs
for legs: squats, leg press, sqwats 250 lbs, leg press 250
for back: lat pull down, 120-140 lbs
for abs: decline bench 25lb, disk on chest and i do as many sit ups as possible,
for core ( i need it im a goalie): small execice ball i do sit ups, ( if u want core strength get a small infalitbal execze ball and to sit ups on it, u will feel the burn
and i box, the heavy bag and i do speed bag for as long as possible,
i run for 30 minets.
i get on the spinning bike for 30 min

thats my ruitine, i was doing it most of the summer slcaked off for soccer, now im picking it up agian
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