Any stoners here work out?

Hey people, long time no see...

As for working out, I've got a bowflex and a treadmill downstairs. I usually run 2-3 times a week and work on the bowflex 2-3 times a week. I like working out, it's relieves stress...
I need to thats fo damn sure. I live so far away from a gym though except for the expensive one on the island that all the rich folks go to. I am soon though. When I lived in key west I used to jog stoned that was great. Before you know it I was like wooo whooo I did 3 laps. :goof: :Rasta:
um buddy its called toning, i dont wannt jsut make work my muscles with out toning them or warming them up, and football coaches arnt trianed to know how to lift weights safely, iv watched the football team lift and every time they pick up a bar i cringe becuse of the way they lift, my motehr ic certified with 5 differnt agencys and is a personal trainer at our local gym along with working at the lab in the hospital, but she if ne one knows how to lift correctly, becuse for collage she had ot know annatmy becuase she was going to be a P.A. but that didnt work out so she wnet chem instead but she knows her muscle groups an how to work them, i can see what your coach is saying, but not putting weight you wil jsut have to do more, and im not going to heavey with the disk on my chest, i coudl see where we has coming from but if your working out your most likely going to work your back, and another exercice i for got to add was back extentions with a 25 lb disk
i work out ever 2nd day at my house. i have a york bench set so i do all my shit with that. i cant run far for shit.. im pretty much just focusing on strength.
purplekush, valentine..his real name...headchange....:laughtwo: i work out quite often, and taught u about working out...good to see
TheArgus said:
I try to go about three or four times a week, but usially make about three. My gym gets so crowded sometimes it's hard to keep my routine. I usially do about 20 mins cardio and then alternate between legs and back one day, then upper body the next.
Smoking weed doen't seem have any negative affect, but I quit smoking cigarettes a couple of months ago, my motivation increased 100%.
Any advise on how to get rid of this budda belly?
Actually most people have generally good abs but fat surrounding them. So alot of it is eating right and accompanied by ab routines also. Low fat with plenty of protein and no snacks(if you can you know smoking though). Low sugars are good and high carb when working out.
i go to the gym every saturday... different kind of gym tho... i go to a gymnastics type gym for open gym so i can teach myself the xtreme martial arts tricks that I do... and I also hit up the dojo that sponsors my team every tuesday... not to mention I walk/run to work every day... i don't have a car simply for my health and the health of my environment... I try to be as healthy as I can be, but I'm struggling to quit cigarettes... they're the devil... wish me luck!! haven't had one in 2 days...

ps... if you're wondering what the hell xtreme martial arts tricks are, IM me and i'll send a vid to u... my sn on aim is the same as here...
ive been going to the gym longer than i have been smoking, and i still go but it doesnt help probly cuz i dont very well, but at least i get stronger
Working out and MJ?

Does anyone know any ill effects about smoking cannabis and working out? Other than of course munchies/smoke inhailation. Just a question that I would love to know the answer to. If there are any other fellow fitness nuts (power lifters/body builders) out there whom also share my love for thc, let me know. =)
Re: Working out and MJ?

I work out and I am a heavy smoker. It makes it very hard to go to the gym because of a lack of motivation when you rather smoke and veg.
Re: Working out and MJ?

thanks guys, I have found that as well. but if I smoke, I like to do it when I am not lifting weights. when I am doing something along the lines of walking or running. If more people did this, there would be less fat people in the world. I know you get the munchies, but if your on a walk/run..there is no place to stop. I usually take about 2 big bowls, and then do my cardio. It's a pain in the ass though if you don't have any water. So I travel with my water pack(little backpack which is just used as a water carrier, on your back with a small hose running out for you to just sip as you go). It makes all the difference in the world. I can go for a half hour run/jog...and not really care! Thanks to MJ, I have lost over 120lbs. I can't believe the gov't keeps telling us it's bad. Because instead of gaining weight, I lost it. I am only hungry when I smoke, and when I don't..i'm never really hungry. MJ really is the worlds best appetite suppressent.
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