Any Vets have experience with MMJ and the VA?

Llama, That is a good job on that article. As you may know, there are still 4 Federal MMJ patients that are sill alive and still receiving Federal prescription through the mail. This is Federally grown cannabis. They stopped the list for participants years ago, but, those four people were "grandfathered in to this program. How can we get the doctors who have some pull in this, such as Dr.Jesse, to get the Federal government to issue these prescriptions, regardless of what the state says. It is pretty rediculous that with all of the facts supporting this god givin medicine, the FEDS and some STATES still will not have it. It is ALL for the same reason that it was made illegal for in the first place, corporate greed. Some of these same companies that lobbied back then to make it illegal,are now lobbying washington to get controll over it. It is time for this WHOLE story to come to light for the American people. I am TIRED of LIARS, CHEATS and THEIVES.
I am glad somewhat that I found this thread. I will be retiring after 30 years of service in June 2012. I have been fed opiates for DDD, sleep disorder, Fibromyalgia, and several other issues that I have acquired over the years. I am fearful of what the opiates will do to me in the long run and I am curious of how MMJ would work for me. MMJ is not legal here in N.C. and I hope it will be in the near future, I would at least like to give it a try and see if it is better, it certainly couldnt be worse than opiates that I have been given for 3+ years with no end in sight. I will begin the VA medical system in the very near future, maybe it will all be fixed by then? Wishful thinking I guess.
Medical Marijuana is not going into my VA record. I've seen where they'd listed other patients as illegal drug users and continually try to councel them and suggest substance abuse. Also, who know what other benefits they may try to take from you further down the road because you are a "drug user". I'd just rather play it safe and keep the two seperate.

In california and any other state where medical cannabis is legal,the VA has to abide by state law. If you are in a med cannabis state ,as I am, I will keep telling them that I am using this god givin,best medicine on earth. I beleive that if all vets that use it keep their names in the federal records as I beleive very strong:peace:ly that it will help finally legalize it in the future. Do you think the Government wants a couple hundred thousand vets pissed off about this. Remember, they trained us. We can do some damage, if we all got together and did a march on DC., armed or otherwise. I am sick and tired of this government carrying on their lies about this medicine. We are OWENED by corporate America, they are making the rules (ILLEGALLY I should add). It is time to put a stop to this CROOKED government. They lie to us every day. It is ALL money now, and they could care less about the well being of the people that they are SUPPOSED to be protecting. If they kick me out of the VA hospital, or if the DEA comes to my house about medical cannabis, then it WILL be bloody sunday. As an American fighting, working man I will still give my life for a good American cause.
I have Major depression and degenerative disc disease.I Have held my MMJ card in Cali for over 1 year. For 5 years I had been taking 4 Vi#$%n a day and 2 Flex&**$l a day too. I have weened myself off of the pain meds to the point of only taking 5 a month, and those are Bad days. I sleep better, eat better, can do more work cause I am not a constipated zombie. I have built a fence and begun turning my backyard into a garden (a BIG project) . My Va Docs ( I have 3 of them) know I am using it to treat pain and depression along with the meds the Va gives me. All of my Docs are pleased with the results I am getting. My last Visit my psychiatrist was really pleased with my progress. My relationships are better, daily life chores are easier, life is good and I am a nicer person because of it. I am still taking my meds for depression, they are working great with the MMJ, another surprise for my docs. :peace::love:

Update on my situ, My VA doctor has denied me Opiate pain killers based on my MMJ use. He wants a urine sample to "make sure its not a regular thing". Before he writes a prescription. I told him to keep the opiates, MMJ works better for me.
Good for you .........

I just recently got off the opiates. The VA was shoving Methadone down my throat like candy. I got fed up and went to a civilian pain doctor. He put me on Fentanyl patches instead. Much better pain killer. But .... next to impossible to wean off of. Two weeks of withdrawals later.

Anyway, glad you decided to skip the opiates.
I have info on the VA, as I suffered from Migraines since my service with the US Army. The VA in Dec 2012 said they were reducing my service connection as my migraines disappeared on paper. Since I no longer needed the VA meds, they're gone on paper. In reality, they still are here, with the use of MM they are under control though. I'm fighting with the VA still, but in June its final-they say one thing and do another.
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