Anyone else smoke outside?

nothing better than burning a fatty out on the boat, or in a tree stand before the sun comes up, and then hooking into a couple of big snook or having a big 10 point buck walk under neath your tree.
thats what it's all about
once i roll my jay of the hour i smoke it outside on a mountain side over view of the vegas valley man the sunsets then befor going inside you gotta hit the RooR =)
I love smoking outside.I like to be have lots of things to look at and contemplate when I'm high,so being outside gives me lots of cool things to discover.I don't even really mind the cold as long as I've got enough clothes on.
Pinch said:
I'll vape anywhere, any time.. inside, outside, in the car..

As a matter of fact, I think I'll vape right now. Excuse me.. :smokin:

:biggrin: Me Too! The only place I can't smoke it is in front of my Mama! Even after all these years......she gives me the evil eye and it totally kills my buzz! :icon_roll
well for me smokeing outside is a top thing to do ,its real nice in Derbyshire just up the road from me we have some nice stone circles and it quiet there so in the summer of we go tent weed and food(well more biscuits than food) tea coffee etc and just sit chill and getting absolutely wasted :bongrip:
On a nice day its good to get out and get some fresh air along with some bud smoke
Being that I smoke a whole lot I get tired of sitting inside and smoking so going outside, especially when it's raining (gotta have some sort of roof over your head, of course), makes the experience so much better. I think the best thing that has ever happened while I was lighting one up was when it started to rain on a camping trip I was on. We were staying in a cabin with a tin roof in the middle of the woods and when those thick raindrops hit the cabin it made the coolest noise.
i like to burn in the comfort of my home outside burnin is terrific if its at the right location. though say i am in the wrong spot and i could pull off a quick rip i will :)
i am a seasonned outdoors toker 30 above 30 below when u feel the hit awww its so all worth it.. of course it has to be more sativaishhh and loveee dem randys wired on them cold cold days... but i'm quite adept at inside toking to.. but outside is where its at..i couldaa been a great hippie;)
I think you're all a bunch of females! Oooh i love it outidside with the nature and all the pretty little birdies singing and the wind brushing against my hair.

its just like "shut the fuck up already." thats how i feel about the matter.
old_smokey9483 said:
I'm not sure why but I would much rather perfer to be outside when smoking pot. Like in the middle of a forest or on a hill overlooking a grassy field. Something cool about nature and getting stoned.

I agree, I just moved to the sticks of PA,,,me and my Pops go out on my deck in the back and toke. It's cool in the summer cause you cant see the neighbors because of the tick vegitation,,,,just smokin and lookin at the stars is fresh! I'm originally from Jersey, so we didnt get many stars! Fuckin Pollution sucks ass!
johnnybegood said:
I think you're all a bunch of females! Oooh i love it outidside with the nature and all the pretty little birdies singing and the wind brushing against my hair.

its just like "shut the fuck up already." thats how i feel about the matter.

lol, damn you need a joint, bong, bowl, blunt,,,,stat!
I have to smoke outside when the rents are here. I usally go to a park, a field, under a bridge or behind a building. Construction sites are cool too but I like it best underneith a bridge especially on a nice cool foggy winter morning cuz you see the fog float over the water in the ditch, plus the graffiti under th e bridge is tight to look at and it gives it a cool little bit of scenery. Inside is more convienient though. Less shady too.:bongrip: :bong:
drivin around hotboxin with a blunt is off the hook though.

I'm somewhat the same way,

But I don't like the thought of getting caught.

It's bullshit that it's not legal.

And I can't believe that Alcohol is. ha.
If my neighbors on one side of me aren't home...then I will. And in that case, I pull a plastic lawn chair, Luna, and a glass of ice water and toke under the stars. It's cosmic, man! I can only imagine what smoke they were smokin' when they came up with the constellations. it's just a real trip to gaze in all wonder of the diamond dust sprinkled on a backdrop of velvet.

:smokin: again, my friend.....

old_smokey9483 said:
I'm not sure why but I would much rather perfer to be outside when smoking pot. Like in the middle of a forest or on a hill overlooking a grassy field. Something cool about nature and getting stoned.

On Halloween I was invited to what was referred to as a 'Grove Party' and was for pagans who celebrate differently that conventional Halloween raves, dances, events, venues, etc. etc.

This was in a wooded area near a large open field, with the sky clear & bright. Our 'Grove Priestess' offered me a ceremonial ceramic wand of skank, and after awhile we were dancing in the open field, twirling, looking at the sky. That was my best Halloween High ever
I really like smokin on the couch, but nothing beats smoking a blunt on the beach at night, which is only 5 minutes from me.
thats something i love about smokin' the adventures you can embark upon. i love to explore deep into woods and find streams and cool land formations, i always hope to run into goblins or gnomes....just so i could blaze with them but that never happens saddly....due to the fact that they dont exist and all....the best is going camping and smoking....doesnt get much better than sitting around a campfire making smores and passing blunts around with your fellow adventurers......speaking of which i can't wait to go camping with my absolutely amazing and wonderful girlfriend in three weeks
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