Anyone growing or familiar with CMH?

Thanks. So any CMH is as good as another? Or are you just saying that Philips is the main manufacturer?
The warnings about not working in the room while the bulbs are on- to avoid risk of radiation- sound like a bit of a deal breaker for me. On the other hand - I think what they're referring to is only if you break an bulb while it's on, which seems unlikely. Any thoughts on this?

Might have something to do with the amount of heat old style lights produce due to their inefficiency?
Might have something to do with the amount of heat old style lights produce due to their inefficiency?
Yes that would be due to a bulb busting. Which if the light build is touched by bare hands it is very likely to happen. Although I would highly recommend always wear safety/sunglasses.
Not sure what you're asking me or how it relates to my question.
Ok sorry that was your question... I had a buddy that touched his bulb and it busted causing blindness for a few days. That is the reason for wearing sunglasses. It has nothing to due with any manufacturers but more so what is in the bulb. If used correctly you will have nothing to worry about.
That's strange. I've used HID bulbs for ten years and never had one break. I don't make a habit of grabbing hot light bulbs- but sure wouldn't expect one to break if I did.
That's strange. I've used HID bulbs for ten years and never had one break. I don't make a habit of grabbing hot light bulbs- but sure wouldn't expect one to break if I did.
I have heard its the oils on you hand that causes them to bust. I use gloves when handling any of my bulbs. Its the same with a car head light. If installed with bare hands it will bust from even one finger print on it. I have done that unfortunately... Lol They to put the warning on there for people that don't know what there doing with these types of lights.
I've been told that. I've also been told it's a myth, and I've certainly used dirty bulbs before with fingerprints on them. Generally I do avoid touching them, and wipe them down. I'll google that some more when I get time.

Come to think of it I've had mechanics tell me to always wipe the headlight bulb clean - so it's probably fact.
I've been told that. I've also been told it's a myth, and I've certainly used dirty bulbs before with fingerprints on them- though I generally do avoid touching them, and wipe them down. I'll google that some more when I get time.
Oh I got ya... Yeah I am new myself to growing with hids although I have set many up for friends. An like you I have never had one bust, but I do where glows and wipe mine down for safety reasons. Curious to see what you come up with on there. Let me know.. Thanks
I read one long thread on it just now. Kind of inconclusive but quite a lot of anecdotal. evidence of bulb life being shortened from fingerprints on the glass. No one is talking about MH bulbs exploding though. Apparently that is extremely rare.

The UV leakage problem, if I read right, is something that could happen when the inner shielding of the bulb develops a fault. Which I take to mean the small tube inside the main outer glass bulb.
Sounds like MH bulbs in general release quite a lot of UV and that is a bit of an issue- potentially a large one on the rare occasion as a bulb develops a fault.
I read one long thread on it just now. Kind of inconclusive but quite a lot of anecdotal. evidence of bulb life being shortened from fingerprints on the glass. No one is talking about MH bulbs exploding though. Apparently that is extremely rare.

The UV leakage problem, if I read right, is something that could happen when the inner shielding of the bulb develops a fault. Which I take to mean the small tube inside the main outer glass bulb.
Sounds like MH bulbs in general release quite a lot of UV and that is a bit of an issue- potentially a large one on the rare occasion as a bulb develops a fault.
Yeah I remember reading that now. They contain trace amounts of uva and uvb but not enough to show up on a spectrum reading. I saw that in the youtube video I watched on its spectrum reading. That is one of the reason I feel I definitely need a tent for this 630 watt.
I use the ss315 cmh myself.... Couldn't be happier or more satisfied with the results... The best recommendations are the results that people get who use then... You can't argue with that, your eyes won't lie to you... at least most of the time....
Thanks! I am very excited about mine and actually working on my room as I type this. Hopfully have everything set up today..
I use the ss315 cmh myself.... Couldn't be happier or more satisfied with the results... The best recommendations are the results that people get who use then... You can't argue with that, your eyes won't lie to you... at least most of the time....

So do you only go in your room during lights off? Or do you ignore that warning?
So do you only go in your room during lights off? Or do you ignore that warning?
The only time I have ran it so far I have been around it on. I just wear sunglasses. But I should have it set up today. I plan on going around it while its on but only as long as I have eye protection. Thats my main concern.
One thing I love about vegging with CMH (I still use my DE HPS to flower since it's what I personally get the best results with) is after trying the blurple led panels I'm using about 1/4 as much CalMag with the CMH. As for the radiation I think it only pertains to bulbs that don't have UV-C filters, I know the cheap CFL lights have been causing cancer issues in the reptile world.
Thanks. Yeah I'm not sure what the UV-C filter consists of. I did email a likely CMH supplier last night to ask about their lights and whether they are filtered, since their website had no info on the safety issue
Thanks. Yeah I'm not sure what the UV-C filter consists of. I did email a likely CMH supplier last night to ask about their lights and whether they are filtered, since their website had no info on the safety issue

It's the outer layer of glass on an HID bulb traditionally, there's an inner quartz chamber that the arc tube and vacuum stabilizer are in then it's enveloped with the UV-C filtering glass. Not 100% about the DE CMH bulbs though as I only use vertical 315's
Some websites I looked at hinted that the CMH is more suitable for veg growth because of the spectrum. Personally I don't care too much about what I use in veg. Veg is easy and I spend most my time trying to slow plants down or tossing them out because I keep running out of room in the jungle. So it's in flowering that I would maybe want to make a change from the HIDs
Some websites I looked at hinted that the CMH is more suitable for veg growth because of the spectrum. Personally I don't care too much about what I use in veg. Veg is easy and I spend most my time trying to slow plants down or tossing them out because I keep running out of room in the jungle. So it's in flowering that I would maybe want to make a change from the HIDs

CMH or a COB rig are about the only thing I would replace my trusty old gavita with, I would lean more towards the CMH just for the initial up front cost savings and the more complete spectrum, I say just find what works best for you though and run with it. I just like the CMH for veg because I personally am seeing stronger stalks and much more tight spaced nodes than when I veg with a 600w MH and I'm only using 30watts more with the CMH.
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