Anyone make their own worm castings and composts?


420 Member
Yup, it’s me again. Just wanted to see what you ladies and gentlemen do in this situation. Around a year or so ago, I had an idea to try and make my own worm castings, ensuring I can control what goes into my garden and farms. So, I found a reputable breeder online, and started with 500 +\- red wiggler worms. Wow I’m up to around 15k. I also do my own composting as well as another form of controlled nutrient tracing.

I am curious to see if anyone else here has their own methods and recipes for their gardens or farms.

I am trying to take into consideration the various climates and geological locations where everyone is located to help make a more diverse or focused harvest or farming season.

I’m excited to see and hear what other do and use.



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Hey Homie!!! I've had worms for about 30 years - don't do anything special - I add the castings to my soil mix which at this point consists of that HP stuff that has the microbial stuff mixed with beaver dam soil and composted leaf mould and I'll be adding some perlite this spring to the mix. I'll also be adding some manure to the mix.
Hey Homie!!! I've had worms for about 30 years - don't do anything special - I add the castings to my soil mix which at this point consists of that HP stuff that has the microbial stuff mixed with beaver dam soil and composted leaf mould and I'll be adding some perlite this spring to the mix. I'll also be adding some manure to the mix.
Yoooooo... That’s pretty awesome. How many worms (approximately) do you use for how much soil if I may ask?
do you use for how much soil if I may ask?
I have at this point 3 large recycling bins on the go - I have no idea of the numbers - they won't line up to be counted!!! Wiggly little buggers!!! At two points during this 30 year period I've been down to as few as 6 worms when I started over again!!
The way I harvest now is that when the bin seems full I transfer the worms and food etc. into another bin until I get down to were there seems to be just castings and no worms and remove that. Then start that over again adding bedding, food, a bit of sand for grit.
I have at this point 3 large recycling bins on the go - I have no idea of the numbers - they won't line up to be counted!!! Wiggly little buggers!!! At two points during this 30 year period I've been down to as few as 6 worms when I started over again!!
Jeez. Lol I thought I had a bunch. Wowza
The way I harvest now is that when the bin seems full I transfer the worms and food etc. into another bin until I get down to were there seems to be just castings and no worms and remove that. Then start that over again adding bedding, food, a bit of sand for grit.
Have you any experience with a worm casting tumbler?
That three is down from five - I put everything, worms and all into my soil last year, then when I was cleaning up after harvest I saw some worms crawling around so I decided to start over again. They work fast!!!
I haven't tried anything fancy - I've looked at some harvesting methods - and even tho I love to build gadgets I think simply digging down till you see no worms is the simplest.
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