Look Waddee Grew In '22


Well-Known Member
I may as well start this 2022 Journal - if this isn't the right spot maybe the people in charge can move it....
I'll be starting with an experiment to see if I can turn a female to male using aspirin spray on the foliage and watering with aspirin water. This is just a rogue gal that started in my compost bin - if I can turn her I will try it on an Auto with the goal of getting feminized Auto seeds!!! (Because I'm really frugal)
Here she is on Apr. 10
aspirin weed.jpg

and here she is on Apr. 26
apirin weed 2.jpg

I am also trying to make some of Emilyas Fermented Dandelion Elixer......also because I am frugal...
fermented dandelion elixer.jpg

So far I don't see that the gal is getting boyish but it has only been 2 weeks and I understand it takes 3 or more...we'll keep youse all posted...
I use one standard tablet in almost a gallon - whatever jug white vinegar comes in - I have been spraying 3 times a day and then watering with the same stuff.
My elixer is starting to burp so, that's something!!!
I have to stay busy or I will be dropping seeds tooooo early!!! :hmmmm:
I may as well start this 2022 Journal - if this isn't the right spot maybe the people in charge can move it....
I'll be starting with an experiment to see if I can turn a female to male using aspirin spray on the foliage and watering with aspirin water. This is just a rogue gal that started in my compost bin - if I can turn her I will try it on an Auto with the goal of getting feminized Auto seeds!!! (Because I'm really frugal)
Here she is on Apr. 10
aspirin weed.jpg

and here she is on Apr. 26
apirin weed 2.jpg

I am also trying to make some of Emilyas Fermented Dandelion Elixer......also because I am frugal...
fermented dandelion elixer.jpg

So far I don't see that the gal is getting boyish but it has only been 2 weeks and I understand it takes 3 or more...we'll keep youse all posted...
There are a couple of mustard plants growing in a crack in the sidewalk in front of my house and I'm waiting for seeds to appear. I was planning to just buy some seeds but feral is so much better! I only just recently discovered how well mustard works on gnats.
Okay, I've been doing some reading and the standard recommended dosage seems to be 1.5 325mg tablets to 2 gallons of water.
So it looks like your dosage of one tablet to one gallon of water should be strong enough to work.
Well, I'm thinkin' it has been about three weeks and I don't know if I am seeing much of a change in my Aspirin Girl... but there seems to be tons of triches on the leaves and the pistils have pretty much stopped on the top...
aspirin weed 3.jpg
fermented dandelion 2.jpg

Also my Fermented Dandelion Elixer is bubbling away and has a very definite "silage" smell to it - I give it a stir about 3 times a day.... I think I may add another 2 teaspoons of brown sugar just to keep things going - the solid matter is supposed to break down - next time I'll try crushing it first.

Hope I don't get kicked off for this but.... I thought it was funny!!!!
Hmmm. I have no idea but I just found this...
Too bad Racefan hasn't been around since October of 2019.
It's been since April 10, so well over the month - she had 3 sprays daily of 1 aspirin per gal. and then had two drinks of 2 aspirin in a cup of water... not sure if I see a couple of calyx with no pistil so... maybe...waddaya tink??
apirin weed 5.jpg

On the other end...I think I may get a couple of Autos in sprouting position and a couple of photos - still holding out so the Photos don't get too big and I'm waiting a bit so that the humidity won't be so high when the Autos finish.
I have completed my experiment with aspirin water and am sad to say - It Failed!!!
I see no signs of boyishness... so I think I will let it drought for awhile to see what that might accomplish. She is about 8" high and will probably reveg but right now seems to be one big cola.
aspirin weed 6.jpg

On a brighter note...my first Super Lemon Haze Auto has jumped up to the light....and so starts the adventure. I'm hoping all the others will break ground soon...
super lemon haze seedling.jpg
I have completed my experiment with aspirin water and am sad to say - It Failed!!!
I see no signs of boyishness... so I think I will let it drought for awhile to see what that might accomplish. She is about 8" high and will probably reveg but right now seems to be one big cola.
aspirin weed 6.jpg

On a brighter note...my first Super Lemon Haze Auto has jumped up to the light....and so starts the adventure. I'm hoping all the others will break ground soon...
super lemon haze seedling.jpg
Good luck greenjeans.

I have 2 that came out of the soil today. Keep pictures going so I can compare. LoL.
Well, I guess we are officially underway now...this is four of the little girls - 2 Super Lemon Haze Autos and 2 Blue Cheese photos. The Blue Banner auto and one other photo did not sprout up yet so i have plunked three more Cookie from my own seeds and one Peyote and another Bluewater that is possibly a cbd strain. The first Lemon popped out on the 25th so these are less than three or four days. They are spending the day outdoors because it is too damn hot in the green house.

first seedlings may 29.jpg

The Aspirin Weed girl experiment has been promoted to the worm bin - I think that is the best value for her. I saw no signs of getting boyish so....
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