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Thanks so much for the bout of confidence. I'm used to 8ft tall plants with limbs 2ft long big around as a cigar. Do you think its gonna get in my lights its exactly double as to what she started out being, she grew another quarter inch last night. Only 7.5 from my lights

Since you have so much flowerin left Id pinch and bend to the right distance. Correct distance is important. I have a feeling I will be pinching and bending too at the end of this tent grow
Just any kind? I've seen twist cap ones. Snap lock thing. And also stainless steel looking ones

Well as long as smell isn't making its way out it's safe to say it's nice and airtight... If you can smell weed (after cleaning the jars as letting them sit over a period) then they may not be airtight. But lots of times people smell weed is because their sticky hands touch the glass on the outside. I personally just use the regular Mason jars with the metal lid you put on top and then screw down onto the lid. Then for bud I'm smoking I'll usually put it into a glass jar that just has a little plastic seal so it pops on and off.
I'm 35 day's into flower at this point, I'll look into some CalMag. Doesn't seem to be much harm in involving it.

If you have the option look into Nectar For The Gods "Herculean Harvest", or "Demeter's Destiny", both are great sources of Ca for flower.....In fact if you live in the US you should visit their site OregonsOnly, they give away free sample kits all you have to pay for is shipping, just need to fill out a small form.....well worth it IMO as they have some great products to try .
If you have the option look into Nectar For The Gods "Herculean Harvest", or "Demeter's Destiny", both are great sources of Ca for flower.....In fact if you live in the US you should visit their site OregonsOnly, they give away free sample kits all you have to pay for is shipping, just need to fill out a small form.....well worth it IMO as they have some great products to try .

Looks good. I put in a request for sample kit. So long as shipping isn't ridiculous, I'll start by trying the Demeter's Destiny on Ethel, then I'm thinking of doing a side by side comparison on my next grow.

I find it interesting that they tout flavor and quality over yield and size.
Horizontal is best for a main but one vertical light to help wont hurt. I have a feeling you cant add too many CFL's. So go to it. You should get a better light for flower. Wait, you HAVE to get a different light for flower or your results will be shit. CFL's work terrible for flower.
Thanks for the attention.I will just grow 1 plant so as in learnd from now i dont think too many cfl's(like 7-8) And i see a lot of journals with cfl gone amazing
I don't see shit there :)

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Horizontal is best for a main but one vertical light to help wont hurt. I have a feeling you cant add too many CFL's. So go to it. You should get a better light for flower. Wait, you HAVE to get a different light for flower or your results will be shit. CFL's work terrible for flower.

"Terrible" may be a bit strong. I'm sure they could be better, but mine are doing pretty well on 344watts shared (added 86watts couple weeks into flower).

I will be upgrading to LED for future grows and will keep my CFLs for veg. Seems to be the right way to go if (2) LED panels aren't available.
Ok guys I'm about to do the bitcoin and get me some free seeds, I'm sure someone had used the service before. Is it safe and Descret. And my information isn't gonna end up in a 3rd world country is it.
Ok guys I'm about to do the bitcoin and get me some free seeds, I'm sure someone had used the service before. Is it safe and Descret. And my information isn't gonna end up in a 3rd world country is it.
Not with or because of bitcoin! I can't speak for your mode of aquiring said coin but transactions are almost impossible to track from what I have heard
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