Auto plant potency?


Well-Known Member
I know this might tick off some growers on here because I am neglecting my plants, but in my defense, its on purpose??

Ive noticed that the really good growers on here are always doing some type of experiment so I started thinking what tests I could run with
my limited knowledge and skill. So the variable I decided to test was my own time/attention. I have 3 auto Santa Maria/Planck growing
in hpcc pro mix. Ive been watering them only 1 or 2 times a week, and only started giving them minimal nutrients today, 1 month into their
growth. So im not expecting much yield at all but im curious about the potency. Next time I will start the nutrients a lot sooner, but that takes more time/attention so i wanted to see what they will produce without all the help. Im just worried the entire grow might of been a mistake if the result is some 5% thc weed that dont work lol.

Tomorrow will be 1 month exactly since starting the plants and 2/3 are already flowering... I will never grow bag seed again this is amazing!
It's always good to think outside the box, and to push innovation. That being said, don't throw out the knowledge already collected. To remove yourself from the equation is to do less/no training, but you're removing their food from the equation. Removing their food will most likely stunt their growth.

Either way, hope it turns out for you.
Good luck :thumb:
It's always good to think outside the box, and to push innovation. That being said, don't throw out the knowledge already collected. To remove yourself from the equation is to do less/no training, but you're removing their food from the equation. Removing their food will most likely stunt their growth.

Either way, hope it turns out for you.
Good luck :thumb:
Good advice, thank you friend.
Im really regretting that i did no LST... i could start now i guess but theres not much to work with.
I need to start re-reading all the fox farm stuff and try to guess what they need.
Do you have any pics? Kinda curious, and I also hope I'm wrong and you get a killer harvest
Not expecting a big harvest they dont look anywhere near healthy lol. The only grow i have under my belt was DWC
so I have no idea how to feed in soil. Thought i could get away with just regular water for a base line being lazy on research. but it seems like after a week or 2 they got real sad. The smallest of the 3 I had started in a glass, super stunted growth since the roots were exposed to direct light... Im an idiot sometimes.

Apparently going from dwc to dirt has increased the temp in the tent which i didnt see coming. I guess the dirt holds
the heat more?


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Not expecting a big harvest they dont look anywhere near healthy lol. The only grow i have under my belt was DWC
so I have no idea how to feed in soil. Thought i could get away with just regular water for a base line being lazy on research. but it seems like after a week or 2 they got real sad. The smallest of the 3 I had started in a glass, super stunted growth since the roots were exposed to direct light... Im an idiot sometimes.

Apparently going from dwc to dirt has increased the temp in the tent which i didnt see coming. I guess the dirt holds
the heat more?
I’ve seen plants that looked WAY more sad. Give those a few regular feedings and they will be totally different plants. That being said, I’ve fed only water for the first 3/4 weeks and the soil generally does ok getting it there anyway, but there is a point (you can see it in your plant on the left) where you have to start adding nitrogen. You are still in a position to have beautiful plants, no worries!

I love experiments. Everything you grow today will help you grow better tomorrow, even the failures.
If I was doing it outside in season, yeah no harm really. But, paying all that money on electricity by itself doesn't make much sense to me but I've never had much disposable income (really is that a thing?) to play around like that anyways and I don't pay rent over there lol have at it GG
I've seen worse attempts at what you have going on. By no means stop brother, keep doing it so you'll know first hand. All in all we, all of us have to make these choices for ourselves in the end. Can you keep track of the nothing of what you're doing? That's research and documentation of observational evidence, science get blinded by it ;)
Your plants look good - but the light green coloring says they are begging for nutrients, don’t worry about them just respond when you notice changes - dropping this faq request will get serious eyes and brains working on your behalf.

Typically but not always nutes for hydro are created differently than nutes for soil. However there are some that work in both soil & hydro. MC might be a good alternative and works in all media formats. Also there is a new dry mix soil nutrient lineup from geo flora that’s generating a lot of positive vibes.

get some soil nutes and someone can advise you better, be sure to ask if you need a separate cal-mag product to go with them or you may already have a cal-mag product that will work.
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